Getting What You Want is Easy

Getting what you want is easy, when you stop doing what is keeping you out of your vortex.  Today, let’s talk about how to relax and create some flow using the Law of Attraction!

We all think we have pretty good lives, but think it’s just moments when we think negatively.  Just a few.

Or, do we?

How many times a day do you negate what another is saying?  Disagree?

How many times a day do you create a judgment about yourself, or others?

How many minutes a day do you spend telling the same sad story or complaint (health problem, relationship problem, work problem, money problem) over and over again?

Is your self talk, and talk with others about all your problems in life?

How often do you actually get in an argument?

Or use manipulation or force someone (child, partner, community members, or another adult at home or at work) to do something they don’t want to do?

Are you bossy, uneasy, annoyed, fighting against things? What else might you be that simply just gets in the way of manifesting something good?

One thing is for SURE, if you don’t have what you want, you are doing something similar to the above.  BUT…

There are literally endless possibilities of great options that the Universe cooks up for us, as soon as we ask.  So, if Source is giving it to us (no condition from Source because Source only loves us and knows we are worthy and deserving of it!) we have to line up with the feeling of having it now.

I know I like to just do a short breathing exercise when I feel myself getting judgmental or annoyed…just ten deep breaths is usually enough to make a big difference. Some days I have to talk myself into a better mood through the Abraham Processes, which I can teach you through private coaching.

All I know is that, life is way better when we start to see ourselves as PART of an awesome plan, so we are a cooperative piece in this plan.  When we relax, we can get on the road to anything we want!  Things do start to trickle in, a little at first, but then as we can maintain a better mood, more things we’ve asked for do come. (That’s building momentum gradually with the LOA).

Do you want to get more of the things you’ve wanted?  Chances are it’s certain feelings you regularly and routinely have that are blocking you, and not that you should give up on your dreams!  Your truest desires, which you’ve amended over time, are coming to you, as long as you take time to keep your vibration clear!

Spend a minute relaxing your body, feeling the tightness slip away easily, from head to toe.  Feel the ease and freedom in your body.  Then focus your attention towards things you like, such as a nice, clear day in nature.  Picture yourself happy there, feel the clothing on your body (is it for leisure or exercise, maybe?).  Soft, cool, perfect.

Feel the air, the life-giving quality it possesses.  How cool it feels on your nose, a light breeze floating by.  How the sun feels warm on your skin.  And it’s all perfectly suited to you and what you like.  A perfect moment because you are in exactly the right place at the right time.  Now is the only time that matters.

Notice the ease, how time doesn’t matter.  No rush, just being in this moment.  All is quiet, except for some chirping birds and their wings flapping, maybe some squirrels chasing each other.  And here you are happy.  And continue breathing and creating a mental environment for your own happiness to flow.

This is a feeling you can also cultivate and take with you throughout the day.  Please cultivate it daily, thinking of things that make you happy.  Abraham has given the wisdom to us, that the fastest way to what you want, is to stop doing that thing you keep doing…which is the daily blocking!   Coaching is a fun, personalized, and interesting way to remove these blocks and let more good into your life.

Train your mind and your emotions, it is so much easier than you think, for you to become a master of your self.  I’m available for limited hours each week, and have morning, afternoon, nights, and weekend appointments for private phone coaching. (EST)

Coaching by phone makes your life easier!  It’s convenient…After you decide on the coaching plan, you just paypal me, then I send you the forms to begin.  Call or Text me for more details at 848-232-8392, with your:

Name, phone, time zone (or country if out of the US), and days/times and the coaching plan you’d like.

Lotsa love and many blessings, from Jen C, the Law of Attraction Life Coach


Feeling Satisfied when you aren’t

Hey, Abrahamsters, Do you often struggle with the idea that you should feel good or feel satisfied but then realize you don’t have anything to be happy about?

Some people ask me if they should try to be happy when they aren’t, and the answer is YES.  There is always something to be happy or joyous about, even if you can’t find something in your own life.  If you really think life sucks, then the sun will still rise.  If you feel uncomfortable in your body, there will still be trees and flowers (and they never ask if they are good enough, they just are).  If you think you are broke, well maybe love is making the world go round.  If you are too confused to see/think/feel clearly, just try to relax and get more neutral for a while.

Being detached is a nice feeling.  Not trying too hard, or pushing against, or fixing anybody or anything.

Removing yourself for a while, so that you can get clearer.  Clarity is the best feeling, because it leads to so many good feelings…

So, yes, relax, get neutral, and eventually, gradually, begin building this idea that the Universe is providing for you, giving and gifting TO you, and that you have an abundance not just of things, but also good feelings.

Every good feeling is a manifestation worth noticing!

And when you do, that is the feeling of happy, pleased, satisfied…

Take notice of these little things, feeling moments of joy, seeing the beauty in someone else’s creations (art, jewelry, a nice home, landscaping, clothing, interactions, etc…). Doesn’t even need to be yours.  You can just enjoy what you are seeing.  What you notice is a reflection of you and your current vibe.

And so is your satisfaction level.

So you aren’t satisfied, and you bridge the gap for a while until you are more satisfied.  Then you do it some more, and eventually you realize you are mostly satisfied.  This is the road to happiness.

If you want more good, you have to find the good where ever you are!

What’s good right now?  What are you able to do?  How are you able to move your body?  Do you have friends and family?  Are your loved ones kind and generous, and are you?  Do you  have a nice place to live?  Work that pays well enough to pay your bills?  Or at least some of them?

When you start noticing what is going right, more things going right are sure to land right at your door.  and then, you will really say, “Wow, I’m so satisfied about this!”

The feeling of satisfaction brings more satisfaction.  Now, get out there and create some satisfying feelings for yourself!!  WOOHOO for you.

Lotsa love and satisfaction from Jen C., the Law of Attraction Life Coach, 848-232-8392 for consults/info.

And here’s some cool tunes from my old friend who is winning music awards in NJ for her amazing music that combines country, folk sounds with a strong spiritual side.


Donations or Hosting an Event for Land for the Homeless?

We all to give to charity, at least from time to time.  Us here in the “energy world” of light workers and healers seem to generously give to many and as frequently as we can.

What I’d like to request after time and consideration is that anyone who is interested in helping, which is a non-profit 503C in NJ working with the unsheltered homeless…

  • We’ve done drives with some success,
  • We’ve done tabling (Like at Barnes & Noble in Brick around the holidays, and Michelle Leonard with SoulSational in the summer) with some success,
  • We’ve done food and supply drop offs,
  • We’ve done a spaghetti dinner and an auction.

All these things are AWESOME, but we would love to have “regular” monthly contributions from our many supporters.

Would you be on board with signing up for a recurring monthly payment of as little as $1 through PayPal?  Maybe $5 or $10? 

Or, would you like to host a monthly event (for even one hour) and donate a portion to help L4H?

I am holding monthly women’s circles, usually on the third Saturday of the month, and I’m donating the whole thing, but splitting it with a friend who is donating to Yoga Life Society.  Please like me on Facebook to get info on this wonderfully fulfilling women’s event and more classes coming soon.

Also, if anyone who wants to contribute to L4H through my coaching, please tell me CODE: L4H2017 so that I can give you a discount AND donate more to them.  Still tax deductible for YOU because I love you.

(See this is how I keep this organization in my life, my energy, and my prayers…by sending them some monthly love!!)

We would love any and all possibilities to be met as we move towards a real camp that is well functioning and self sustaining.  We also welcome your input and expertise if you’d like to offer that in any mental health, legal, accounting capacity.

If you can, please do.  LMK if you would like to host a drive for food, supplies of camping gear, or taking donations.  You can offer to put a jar out for donations at local businesses, so many of them will say YES.  Or, you can offer to donate a small or recurring amount, whatever you choose, it is right!

Thanks so much for always listening and following your heart.

Much love and many blessings, from Jen C., the Law of Attraction Life Coach

Keeping the Mind Busy

You know what is a gigantic helper for the mood?

Just doing something and completely immersing yourself. By paying attention to something other than yourself and your feelings, you can guide your vibe into a helpful place.

So if you are in a bad mood, and you need a lift, have you ever just shifted focus by going to work and being in the moment there, and then felt better?  Or gone home from work and enjoyed your family and forgotten about work?

It’s totally OK to trick your mind!  In fact, it’s preferred to trying so hard to get out of a bad mood or “make something happen”.  Just doing one thing well and staying put in that moment creates an enjoyable experience.  Not worrying about the past or future.  Just staying put in a happy state.

Or, after a long week, maybe you take time to enjoy something like a girl’s night out, or donate your time to help someone else.

When you take your mind off of YOU, you actually feel better.

You don’t have to constantly be in a positive affirmation!  You just need to relax and find enough relief TO enjoy the present.  And you are getting better at this all the time. You got this!  Progress, not perfection, right?

It’s useful to have a mixture of tools, so this is one of the many LOA techniques that bring you back into alignment.  And alignment is everything.

We’re always looking at our conscious creating, and trying to work together to get better at it, and support each other.  We love, we care, we network, we support.  Women’s Sacred Circles and taking time out to really see each other, appreciate each other is what makes this movement special.

See my Facebook page for LOA Events such as Women’s Circles and Money Vibe Groups coming up in the Central NJ area.

Be sure to comment about what your favorite way to keep your mind busy so that you can pass on the love to others, and learn something new to keep your alignment!

Lotsa love from Jen C. the LOA Life Coach 848-232-8392 for a free 10 minute consult.

Morning Appreciation Manifesting Routine Abraham Hicks

Some people wake up super happy, so I am sharing my morning appreciation routine, some of it is Abraham-Hicks type stuff but all of it is energy work, clearing energy blocks, and being my Highest Self.

I wanted to share some of what I’m doing–because feeling good is what I want and I know this is helping me to focus my mind in the right way to consistently have good feelings.

If I just looked at my reality, I might not be able to find happiness.  I had to not judge appearances, and realize my God Self, and really go beyond my limits.  As a mom in my early forties, I am realizing that the only thing that matters is love, and I want my new image of myself to reflect my new beliefs, which include love, appreciation, joy, happiness, peace, and especially freedom.

So, this is what I’m doing to create the good feelings (kind of like I’m invincible, and I know I am because I am eternal anyway):

1.  Wake up and appreciate what I’m experiencing right then.  Things like my bed, knowing my children are safe, that we have so many freedoms and abundance of all kinds.

2.  I write one or more paragraphs in my journal about a specific good feeling (fun, playfulness, thoughtful, caring, generous, unconditional love, clarity) and spend about 2-5 minutes writing, because as I write I am building in positive momentum, as long as I keep my words general.  For instance, “All is well, everything is always working out for me, and I am realizing my Highest Self” feels way better than, “I barely paid my bills.”  Of course, there are differences between these two statements, and reasons for choosing each.  The first speaks of unconditional faith and a knowing that all really is well because I can’t make a mistake, and all life is really perfect as is.  The second speaks of lack, which is something we all want to stay away from.  There is a story we all tell ourselves after we experience something–if you tell yourself a story of lack then you are blind to the Universal Laws that are working without permission from you.

3.  I visualize my Energy Ball, (rub your hands together and feel the energy between them) like Christie Marie Sheldon, and I put all the good feelings I want in it for myself and others. So, I just feel me planting the love, the peace, the fun, the freedom, the clarity, the abundance, the gentleness, the harmony, the cooperation, the forgiveness in the energy between my hands, and I send this energy ball to myself, then all of my family members, then all the beings in the world and universe.

You may think this is no big deal, but I assure you, it is.  To have faith in myself and my creative abilities is what God or Source wants for us.  If you are inclined, try this as well,, and share any other good morning appreciation or manifesting routine or tips you may have.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach

PS I am now available by appointment for phone coaching, so if you aren’t in NJ, you can learn LOA with ease. Packages available for any life area, Self, Health, Relationships, Money, Career.

More July Classes on Loa at The Center for Conscious Caregiving

Hey there wonderful and beautiful beings… here’s a few specifically wonderful classes at The Center for Conscious Caregiving featuring my Loa coaching.

Wed. July 13 th and 27 th, 10:30 am- 12 pm. Peace class for Families. Waldorf and nature based songs and stories and some time for patents to practice Loa as well. $10 for parents with one, $15 for Families with two or more children.

Back to normal next month for the first and third Weds. For the Peace class then because it’s in demand I’ll be offering alternating Thurs. As well.

Wed. July 20th 6 – 7:15 pm. Loa Self, Health, and Relationships. $10

Wed. July 27th 6 – 7:30 pm. Loa Money Class. $20

And saving the best for last, Sun. July 24 th from 9 am to 2 pm, Reiki for Children is on!!  This time for the 12 and older crowd. A parent must be present to understand how Reiki is used. Cost is $65 and includes a Reiki manual and Kids Reiki Shares.

Don’t worry we are doing Reiki for 5-12 year olds on Sun. Aug. 21st same time.

All classes at TCFCC located at 1613 Rt 88, Brick NJ 08724.  Pls email me at or call me to register 848-232-8392.

Fast Manifesting

OHHHHHH.  It is so nice to feel positive momentum flowing, especially when it’s free and easy.  When the mind is clear of clutter, and we are feeling good, manifesting can be pretty quick, within days at times.

I feel that a tremendous burden of useless old thoughts have been removed from my daily routine, because of practicing LOA and using Abraham-Hicks information.  That didn’t happen overnight, but it is happening.  It probably took a few years of on and off practice to get better at understanding how energy flows.

Now that I’m a more Deliberate Creator, and made my life about coaching LOA because I love it, I am so happy that I actually AM good at manifesting what I want, and helping others manifest as well. More


Hormones galore here, so I am exploring how to deal with LOA and PMS.  I am one of those nursing moms that is experiencing some changes.  Not menopause types, just crampy, hormonal, and flow type stuff.

I see myself having light and easy periods that last three days.  I see myself transitioning to using a DIVA cup or something that I barely have to see or come into contact with.  The less and easier it is, the better.  My manifesting tips are to visualize the best case scenario, but expect even better.

With the law of attraction, I do have to practice what I want sometimes.  I have had consistent and predictable periods that have been heavy on days one and two, but barely ever crampy.  But now that I my littlest is almost completely weaned from my milk, my periods have gotten more crampy and heavy.

So, I like this video, short and sweet for you, so you can get a quick and easy idea of how to just embrace getting into the vortex, and then knowing that all my physical body will respond.  I trust this to be the case.

I do the Health Process in Ask and It is Given, and it helps me daily.  I have also put myself on a great path for health and healing using it.  My PMS is changing, and my cycle is getting shorter and lighter.  I expect the rest is also on the way!

If you’d also like to hear more about healing diabetes, you may join me on Facebook at Diabetes to Wellness.  Much love and many blessings, from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Love for all at Christmas 2015

This year, I am in awe of the good I’ve created for myself and in the world.  I am really starting to live my core values well, and I see big changes every day.  But, mostly, I am so happy and thankful that I have love for all at Christmas 2015.

I see and hear people complaining about others every day, and I it’s easier to not be affected by this.  The “problems” they complain about are usually their immediate family, friends, boss, coworkers, and neighbors doing them wrong, or people of some group that has somehow wronged someone else.

I challenge this, because I am a LOA coach, and I know that it’s never the other’s fault.  What we see is what we are.  What we experience is what we are.

I know part of the reason I see this is because I’m a coach, and people tend to tell me their stuff and know that I can help in some way.  And I am happy to!  That will never cease, that people will have issues.  I just wish people could also be responsible for their own vibe and not make their unhappiness about others.

If a person is unhappy, it’s not anyone else’s fault.  That person needs to change their perspective TO gain happiness.  Other people don’t need to change a thing.  🙂

And so this whole Christmas thing (and I’m spiritual, not Catholic since I was in college), just reminds me of the truth of the soul, and how I love to see it expressed.  Every time someone complains, there is an unmet need, a desire.  I feel it’s important to help them find their true need, like compassion, to help them pinpoint what they really do want.  And to encourage them that it’s possible to have that.

So, if you complain to me and I stop you and ask you what you really do want, don’t be surprised if you figure it out and your life feels better.  I’ll be praising you for taking the reigns of your own life and I’ll raise a glass to your success this year.  And if your loved ones start complaining to you, you’ll know the best trick to turn the conversation around fast!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Have you thanked your Angels

family sunset photo

I have been meditating lately on this topic, Have you thanked your Angels?  And I am very engrossed with this idea that the Angels are everywhere and in everything, just like Spirit.

So, how could any of us have done anything without them?  We give ourselves all the credit when something goes right, but blame others when something goes wrong.  But the truth is, as soon as we ask, it is given–it is only ourselves who block the delivery of our desires.

Even still, it’s other beings who know what we desire and are orchestrating them FOR us, on our behalf.  We all also have a Higher Self, and maybe these two are truly the same, I don’t really know!

One thing I do know for sure is that without others, I would have nothing.  Everything we have comes through someone else, and has been given to us through an invisible network of beings and God.  I realized I haven’t been thanking Universe enough for all the good I do have, and the Angels working on my behalf IS Good that I do have!

For this holiday season, and maybe into January and February, I think it’s worth it to ponder what these Angels do just because we ask for something.  No one is asking me to prove I am good enough, or to show my worth.  Everything is just given to me.  Because I am.

I hope you can wake up feeling great every day, realize how amazing you truly are, and do something nice for someone else, knowing that you are someone else’s Angel as well.  Make sure you thank your Angels today, you won’t be sorry!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., The LOA Life Coach

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