Morning Appreciation Manifesting Routine Abraham Hicks

Some people wake up super happy, so I am sharing my morning appreciation routine, some of it is Abraham-Hicks type stuff but all of it is energy work, clearing energy blocks, and being my Highest Self.

I wanted to share some of what I’m doing–because feeling good is what I want and I know this is helping me to focus my mind in the right way to consistently have good feelings.

If I just looked at my reality, I might not be able to find happiness.  I had to not judge appearances, and realize my God Self, and really go beyond my limits.  As a mom in my early forties, I am realizing that the only thing that matters is love, and I want my new image of myself to reflect my new beliefs, which include love, appreciation, joy, happiness, peace, and especially freedom.

So, this is what I’m doing to create the good feelings (kind of like I’m invincible, and I know I am because I am eternal anyway):

1.  Wake up and appreciate what I’m experiencing right then.  Things like my bed, knowing my children are safe, that we have so many freedoms and abundance of all kinds.

2.  I write one or more paragraphs in my journal about a specific good feeling (fun, playfulness, thoughtful, caring, generous, unconditional love, clarity) and spend about 2-5 minutes writing, because as I write I am building in positive momentum, as long as I keep my words general.  For instance, “All is well, everything is always working out for me, and I am realizing my Highest Self” feels way better than, “I barely paid my bills.”  Of course, there are differences between these two statements, and reasons for choosing each.  The first speaks of unconditional faith and a knowing that all really is well because I can’t make a mistake, and all life is really perfect as is.  The second speaks of lack, which is something we all want to stay away from.  There is a story we all tell ourselves after we experience something–if you tell yourself a story of lack then you are blind to the Universal Laws that are working without permission from you.

3.  I visualize my Energy Ball, (rub your hands together and feel the energy between them) like Christie Marie Sheldon, and I put all the good feelings I want in it for myself and others. So, I just feel me planting the love, the peace, the fun, the freedom, the clarity, the abundance, the gentleness, the harmony, the cooperation, the forgiveness in the energy between my hands, and I send this energy ball to myself, then all of my family members, then all the beings in the world and universe.

You may think this is no big deal, but I assure you, it is.  To have faith in myself and my creative abilities is what God or Source wants for us.  If you are inclined, try this as well,, and share any other good morning appreciation or manifesting routine or tips you may have.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach

PS I am now available by appointment for phone coaching, so if you aren’t in NJ, you can learn LOA with ease. Packages available for any life area, Self, Health, Relationships, Money, Career.

Finding Bliss during stressful times

Welcome to LOA and More! Today I am interested in expressing how well the LOA works and how to use it effectively even when you feel like you’ve been given a bowl of lemons.

Everyone feels helpless at times, like the control we have is slipping away. Like we are trying so hard and what we want is leaving, and there is a void. Or an angry person is telling you where to go and you not only don’t deserve it, but you didn’t see it coming!

If we are practicing LOA then we also know that we create our own reality…So what we expect, desire, and believe will happen is what will manifest.

And this is why it’s not necessary to be perfect, but it is necessary to make gradual changes in how you respond to each situation that arises. It’s not complicated, especially if you just try to maintain a good mood most of the time.

See if the next few examples make sense for you and if you’d like to challenge yourself to try it as well.

1.  You’re speaking with your spouse and then he/she finds fault with you. Typically, you would stuff that feeling down or get upset and blow up.

LOA teaches awareness, so you can stop or slow down the flow of energy toward helplessness, anger, fear, shame, doubts.  Even while your partner is unhappy, you don’t have to be!

You can remember to breathe and relax in the knowing that this accusation is not about you, but about him/her.

You might be considerate and acknowledge that your partner may have had a bad day, or maybe received some bad news.  Becoming aware of yourself during these situations is a great step toward having a new and desired outcome.  What would you like yours to be?

2.  You thought you were getting ahead then you get yet “another” setback.  You feel burdened with all you have on your shoulders, and you barely have any room to move.

LOA teaches you to find ease, so that when you aren’t in a sticky situation, you would be practicing ease.  If you were doing that often, you will see the results!  So, what can you do now to bring some ease into your life?  Something small, like breathing deeply while you are waiting in line, or while you are driving?

You can’t get ahead until you decide you have an easy life right now!

Hope you can feel the love, and that you’ll create your own today.  Jen C, the Law of Attraction Life Coach



Practicing Enjoyment and Delight with Sisters and Children

I’ve decided I am a master at practicing enjoyment and delight.  No matter where I am or what I am doing, I have fun or make things lighter.  I’ve been practicing the vibe of “fun” just because that is what I want my life to be.  Oh, and how it works.  When I take the time to really align with my Source (and you can also), Source loves me and shows me the fun. Yet, I have to take a step and actually be willing to have the fun.  Somewhere along the way, life got serious for me, but I got goofy and playful instead.  Here’s one way I practice the vibration of delight: More

Visualizing As If I’ve Already Achieved My Goal

Wouldn’t it be nice if…I was experiencing a lot of happiness, feeling successful, and really rocking my own world?

I just keep on Visualizing as if I’ve already achieved my goal.

Creative visualization is an amazing tool, used by top personal development experts, health experts, especially for those trying to beat a long term illness, and of course, by us LOA coaches as well.  It’s easy and available anytime, because it’s like daydreaming.

Remember when you were in school and it started snowing, and you looked out the window, and thought, “Oh, I hope they cancel school so we can go home early and we can have all day to play in this wonderful, beautiful snow?”  You were daydreaming, and it made you feel great to think that kind of thought.  Still, whether school was let out early or not, you got to play in the afternoon, and you knew it would be wonderful.  Then you felt the wonderful snow for real, enjoying the cold, crisp air and fun with friends on your block. You had an expectation that you would play and you did.

You got your wish in the end, see?

That is the beauty of creative visualization.  You can literally imagine anything you want to manifest right now, and get the good feeling of it now.  Feeling it now, within your reach, is the key.  Enjoying how amazing it feels now, laughing about how easy your life is with this goal accomplished, or having your family happily beside you, is the way to feel your way to it.

Let’s do some now:  Manifesting Good feelings and Better Relationships

I’d like to manifest more good feelings in my life, the feelings of fun, the feeling of ease, the feeling of clarity so that I can know what path to take, the feelings of happiness and joy with my roles in life and with my family.  I see myself laughing and doing something fun with my children, at a leisurely pace.  I see us walking on the beach, holding hands, and speaking with love in our words.  We play and take our time in the sand, finding crabs near the rocks, and digging for mole crabs. We get home safely and easily, and my husband has stopped at our favorite Mexican restaurant and brought home a dinner that we all love. I am overjoyed at his thoughtfulness, and I tell him so.  I feel his big, warm hug, and am teary eyed because I feel so much love for him.  I know that I am a conscious creator, and that I have manifested all of these good feelings, and so the manifestation must come true.

Next:  Manifesting Money

I’d like a little more money in my life, and I like what money can do for me.  I like the feeling of fun and freedom that comes from having money.  I want to thank all the money that is here in my life right now.  I love the money I have, and the money that is on it’s way to me.  I am so happy and thankful for all of my sources of income, and for the gifts I am given.  I receive so many gifts.  I have the gift of time, the gift of life, the gift of fun, the gift of air and water, which are given to me so easily and freely.  I am so thankful for them.  I have the gift of nature, and even if I don’t go to the park every day, I know the trees and animals are always there.  The mountains and lakes and oceans and islands are always there.  Beauty is always there.  I know the feeling of fun and freedom, and it’s running through the sandy beaches or taking a hike up a lovely mist filled mountain.  It’s spending time with my loved ones.  It’s just feeling confident.  It’s saying, “YES!” to something that I want.

If you follow this exercise, I know money will begin to flow to you, and it will flow in various ways, like getting discounts on things you do want, or someone buying you lunch, or winning something, or a good idea will pop into your head, or just actual money…but the vibration of money is really that of empowerment and freedom, so you must feel that in order to have money.

Try it, and let me know how you did with manifesting something that is important to you!

Much love, Jen C.

Is Fear Good or Is Fear Natural

“Fear is me focused in opposition to who I really AM.”–  Abraham

I like not having much fear, only occasionally.  I like feeling good almost all of the time, and if I”m not, then I know to get connected to my Source and who I really am quickly.  So, today, I thought I’d bring some interesting thoughts on fear and resistance from my good friend, Abraham.  I really like being able to access this information so easily on Youtube or with Abraham-Hicks books.

If you study the LOA, you know that you are part of the Source energy that creates worlds, and that every thought is real. We are connected to our inner guidance system so that we can have access to our Source through our emotions.  Our emotions are the indicators about where we are at on any topic.  If you look at your self, love life, career, or family, you will bring up a variety of emotions. Think about where you are now on each topic.

Is it all rosy and perfect, or do you have some unfulfilled desires? If you do, you can use your emotions to guide you toward more good feelings.  Believe that “every day in every way, you are getting better and better.” as the Silva Method teaches.  Many spiritual teachers, like Louise Hay and Abraham say, “All is well.”  These general statements put us on a path of wellness, with little to no resistance.

Fear stops us from achieving so many dreams we desire.  Oftentimes, we feel like life has gotten hard, and that we are stuck in a situation, we must fulfill a duty, so many people are counting on us, or we just don’t like the lives we’re living and we’re not sure what step to take next.  Fear keeps us confused, and we stay on a perpetually obtuse path, and resenting it, being angry about it, we’re unclear about what we should do, and essentially, stay afraid to “move.”

We create a lot of resistance:  we tell ourselves we aren’t good enough, smart enough, rich enough, socially astute enough– to make something we truly desire–happen.  We complain, which creates more situations to complain about as the LOA brings more of the same back to us.  We think, “if only I had this”, or “if only I had done that.”

Here’s the antidote:  Playing the “Wouldn’t it be nice if” game.  I love using this game, especially when I’m fearful.  I say, Wouldn’t it be nice if…

  • I can move into a better feeling right now?
  • I can choose to feel better?
  • I look for things I want instead of focusing on small details about fears?
  • I focus on things that make me happy?  (And, there are so many things that do.)
  • I can sit quietly and listen to what my Inner Being really thinks of me?
  • My life is getting easier and easier?
  • I can feel the ease in my life?
  • I can feel the path opening up for me?

So, it’s basic and general, and it works to focus on better feelings.  The higher vibration feelings are love, appreciation, passion, empowerment, inspiration, creativity, knowing, belief, faith, hope, clarity, ease, wellbeing, and the like.

I wish these things for you, so that you can access these higher vibrations and lose the fear.

Much love!

Beyond Positive Affirmations

So many people talk about having fear and that  it’s good or natural considering certain circumstances.

Is fear good or is fear natural?  LOA says that fear is us getting a signal from our inner being that is showing us that we don’t agree with the good that our inner being sees us as.

Here’s an interesting video on it from my friend Zehra, another LOA coach.

I have been affirming for a long time, that fear is not real, it’s just me not seeing the truth in a situation.  I know when I’m getting fearful of something (like someone getting sick or not having enough) is to be general about everything in order to get off the subject.  It is always such a relief to change the subject, as this video talks about!  It works every time!

I know I started talking about something yesterday, and it was…

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