Money and Abundance

Here’s a nice short clip from Abraham-Hicks about Money and Abundance and how they are related.  Get this:  money comes from overall ALIGNMENT, that is all it is.  And, I’ve often heard it said that money is a way to say, “Thank you,” for what you receive.

You want and need money, but are you Aligned often?  Once in a while?  Frequently?

Get clear for yourself about what values you hold, and be honest about if you are following those values.  If you are not, you feel negative emotions, and this is what blocks good things from flowing into your lives.  If you feel great, then there is likely money flowing already.

If you want to understand this relationship about Alignment and Money, just try to be generally happier each day…at some point soon you will realize that more money is flowing to you.  Let me know when you see the change!  Much love and many blessings, from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Fast Manifesting

OHHHHHH.  It is so nice to feel positive momentum flowing, especially when it’s free and easy.  When the mind is clear of clutter, and we are feeling good, manifesting can be pretty quick, within days at times.

I feel that a tremendous burden of useless old thoughts have been removed from my daily routine, because of practicing LOA and using Abraham-Hicks information.  That didn’t happen overnight, but it is happening.  It probably took a few years of on and off practice to get better at understanding how energy flows.

Now that I’m a more Deliberate Creator, and made my life about coaching LOA because I love it, I am so happy that I actually AM good at manifesting what I want, and helping others manifest as well. More

How to be Happy using LOA

This how to be Happy using LOA video is one of my absolute favorites.  So, I’m sharing this in the hopes that you can gain some law of attraction tips…following the feeling of just being happy.

The looking for, finding of, and just being happy…is what brings more good into your life.

As a life coach, I love setting myself up for FUN!  I do it all the time, for instance, when I wake up, I set up my day in appreciation for the fun I’ve already experienced, and the fun that I’m eager to have.

Life is supposed to be fun, that’s what Abraham always says!

If life isn’t fun for you, well then, you’ve got to get aligned with your true Source.  Getting clear, feeling good, being Rich, having fun, and more fun, is really the true Abundance we were all meant to have.  Does that feel meant-to-be for you?  If it doesn’t, make sure you watch this until the end, savor the words, and then practice them for real in your own life.

I promise, you will see changes if you keep up this manifesting practice.  Law of Attraction is where it’s at!  Realize what you are attracting here.  You can attract everything you want and more, and you can get rich with LOA!  Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach.

So many thank yous to Autoayudaespiritual for making such amazing Abraham videos!

Uplifting the Supporters and Advocates and Helping the Homeless in NJ

NJ has over 12,000 homeless people, and about 600 where I live in Ocean County.  This is where the Tent City in Lakewood was destroyed last year, removing over a hundred homeless to other areas, basically hiding in the woods elsewhere.

My belief is that a being can never feel fulfilled if they haven’t given something to another who needs it, or even one who can’t repay it.  If one has something, and can donate a small percentage, like tithing (which is usually spoken of as 10% of a person’s income), it actually feels amazing to give it.  All the religions speak of this, because there is something to it.

For years when my oldest daughter was very young, we would choose a charity a month, and we’d discuss why we liked helping that group and donate a few dollars to them.  It was usually animal rights and human rights groups, or sometimes those about farming and organics.  We always looked forward to that day each month when we’d sit to choose, and were immensely happy to write a check and mail it.  WE, the givers, LOVED it.  We got a lot out of it.

Now, I’m discussing a few things here, but it’s really big news for the giver. You heard me, I’m talking about why it’s important for the GIVER to give.  Giving in general, implies that one has so much, an abundance, or extra–TO give.  So, when a person makes an intention TO give, the universe will automatically line up with ways to expand this person’s income to allow them to have enough for the self, plus enough to give.  The giver feels amazingly great, because of this fact, but also because they sometimes see the changes happening and the positive momentum that comes along with it.  The giver realized that it feels so good, they will continue to do it, and make it “stick”.  And, the giver’s innate ability to draw more abundance to themselves also expands…(unless they are looking at a lack of money).

Doesn’t it feel like a gift you give yourself when you are donating or giving to others?

I love that there are lots of people that do give and gift to others often and continue to do it with the generosity of saints.  I thank God there are some without judgment that enjoy helping no matter what the conditions are.  But I especially wish that the people with the worst of problems in a society, be allowed a chance to be safe and even get to a place where they can bring themselves up, with some help.  How we treat the homeless, the sick, the elderly, and the animals are an indication of where we are “at” in society.  They all need some assistance, and if you are inspired to do some of your own giving, do so here.

Please consider tithing any portion of your own income, (such as a recurring monthly donation) a love offering that will help you as much as the receivers, to this uplifting non-profit,, as they are trying to secure a piece of land and the supplies needed for a supportive camp environment so that 120 people can make it through the next winter.  There will also be a Tent Drive/Sleeping Bag Drive coming up in the next few months.

I am offering a host of new classes, from Reiki sessions and Intuitive Healing sessions, LOA basics classes (4 week series), LOA Wealth Coaching, and Expanding Intuition.  And, yes, I still tithe, to L4H and a few others.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach.  You can see my new class offerings at The Reiki Way Learning Center in Brick, NJ.

Helping someone for the right reasons or the wrong reasons

Have you ever helped someone and felt great about yourself for it, like because you did it for the right reasons?  I sure have…Like yesterday, my 5 year old found a nickel and a penny and didn’t have a pocket, so she asked me to “hold” it for her and then later on at the grocery store, a man asked me for exactly 6 cents.  I quickly assessed that the six cents were meant for him, but I could easily find a quarter and handed him that instead (not wanting to upset my kids, I made sure I used “my” money).  But I felt great because I knew it was the universe at work, lining up an interesting synchronicity for me.

This could be one of many interactions where people seem to find me for answers, be it money, abundance, spirituality, or some self-learning, that I’ve seen lately.  I’m not sure what label I’ll give it, but it will be a good and empowering one.  I’ll consider it a compliment that people in my world view me as someone abundant enough to gift to others.

And, of course, there are countless other times when I wanted to give or was inspired to give, and that kind of giving feels completely different than the kind of giving when we feel obligated.  No matter what, it’s the label we give to it that matters.

If I view myself as helping someone because they are helpless or not enough, then I whatever I do, I’m not helping them at all.  If I view the other person/animal/situation as being able to help or heal themselves, or I can uplift them or the situation, that’s my only goal.  So, as Esther Hicks says, “I am happy on the way to my perfect relationships.”  Relationship with myself/God, relationships with others, relationship with money, success, time, etc.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach

Relating to someone who is lacking abundance homelessness sickness

I have an interest in relating to someone who is lacking abundance, because I always meet people who are sick or poor or miserable in this wonderful world.  I sometimes wish to get involved in a group action like a fundraiser, volunteering, or just being part of the activism or advocacy needed to help people get ahead.

I love this topic because, although there is a lot of controversy about “how” to get people to learn about abundance, there is always a way to reach people.  I am at ease because I know that all beings will eventually “get it” so I am not at all concerned about when.

What I am concerned about is…Is anybody out there teaching this Law of Attraction for the Homeless or the Sick?  I sure would love to!  I have 15 classes donated and I would be happy to offer a life coaching class, or a series of classes, to any advocates or homeless in our local area to teach this subject of learning abundance and prosperity with the right mindset. (If you get in touch in the comments, I’ll connect with you about it).

Have you ever felt like just giving money never really fixed the problems you wanted to fix when you donated the money? Find out WHY!

Here’s an Abraham-Hicks video on why it doesn’t really help to give money (helps only temporarily), rather than help the person get aligned with their true self using clarity and prosperity and abundance and the higher emotions.  I also love this video because it shows the advocates for homeless people HOW to think about the situation.  The key is to NOT think like a homeless person and relate to them, but rather to see the person as God would see them, as whole, as evolving, as abundant already.

Sympathy or empathy have been the buzzwords for decades, but rarely do you hear anybody talking about something beyond empathy…WOW!  There are emotions that are better than empathy…better than meeting the person where they are at (which lowers you).  Yes, it makes sense to raise them up to your higher vibration when you view them as abundant! That makes way more sense, yes?

I would love to hear your comments if you changed your thinking and then “found” more abundance as well, do tell!  Much love and prosperity for all!