Book of Positive Aspects about Children

I’m just starting to use a book of positive aspects about children…I’ve been doing LOA very actively, and with more and more focus and clarity, for over a year. And, I’m sorry I didn’t do this sooner!  In the teachings of Abraham, Esther Hicks speaks about using this book to just enjoy positive things about any topic a person likes.  As the person writes, they think of more and more things that are positive, building a positive vibration about the topic.  When you feel like stopping, you stop.  Change the vibration, little by little, until it’s way more positive than negative…or just keep adding more positive to an already positive vibration.

I’ve heard about the BOPA and all, and I’d read Ask and It Is Given, I’ve journaled and done focus wheels, I’ve written what I am grateful for. I have book after book with notes everywhere. Finally, after somehow not realizing it was so useful, I started to write my own first Book of Positive Aspects–because I finally decided it was time to ONLY write about my children in a positive way.  Frankly, I was tired of having little complaints about my family life (even though they had plenty to complain about as well).

I have already seen a tremendous improvement in my relationship with my children. Just by viewing them with a better light, I have managed in a few days to influence a relationship that has been at times difficult, toward much more positive communication, a new cooperation, and just more kindness.  I am actually in awe of this beautiful process that I have carefully set into motion, and am eager to continue to use. More