Challenging Teen Kids Push Your Buttons

I love being an LOA parent and coach, but my kids still do push my buttons from time to time…or daily.

I keep changing my perspective so that I see myself as an evolving being, so that no one is really right or wrong.  I want my kids to know the power they hold for themselves, so how can I best show them their power?  It’s certainly NOT in taking their power, freedom, favorite things away.  A very misaligned parent takes away from a child to show their power OVER the child.  An aligned parent stays in touch with Source and easily speaks with clarity and grace to her children without expectation that they must obey, for every being is free to decide his/her fate.

And them comes TEENS.  I now have a 13 year old daughter, who is brilliant, funny, and amazing in too many ways to tell you about.  I am glad I can see all the good in her, so when rough moments come, it’s easy to remember.  When a teen pushes your buttons, you need to have your own foundation, and that is within you…All is well, life is easy, every day in every way, I am getting better and better. (And it’s all true!)

You have your own strong foundation, your kids don’t push your buttons!  Get it?

So, here is a video, that gets better as it goes along as well.  The clarity and strength is exactly what I needed to hear about those moments when I’m thinking upstream thoughts, so I can turn them into downstream thoughts about self and having a good relationship with my teen.

Much love, and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA coach