Feeling Satisfied when you aren’t

Hey, Abrahamsters, Do you often struggle with the idea that you should feel good or feel satisfied but then realize you don’t have anything to be happy about?

Some people ask me if they should try to be happy when they aren’t, and the answer is YES.  There is always something to be happy or joyous about, even if you can’t find something in your own life.  If you really think life sucks, then the sun will still rise.  If you feel uncomfortable in your body, there will still be trees and flowers (and they never ask if they are good enough, they just are).  If you think you are broke, well maybe love is making the world go round.  If you are too confused to see/think/feel clearly, just try to relax and get more neutral for a while.

Being detached is a nice feeling.  Not trying too hard, or pushing against, or fixing anybody or anything.

Removing yourself for a while, so that you can get clearer.  Clarity is the best feeling, because it leads to so many good feelings…

So, yes, relax, get neutral, and eventually, gradually, begin building this idea that the Universe is providing for you, giving and gifting TO you, and that you have an abundance not just of things, but also good feelings.

Every good feeling is a manifestation worth noticing!

And when you do, that is the feeling of happy, pleased, satisfied…

Take notice of these little things, feeling moments of joy, seeing the beauty in someone else’s creations (art, jewelry, a nice home, landscaping, clothing, interactions, etc…). Doesn’t even need to be yours.  You can just enjoy what you are seeing.  What you notice is a reflection of you and your current vibe.

And so is your satisfaction level.

So you aren’t satisfied, and you bridge the gap for a while until you are more satisfied.  Then you do it some more, and eventually you realize you are mostly satisfied.  This is the road to happiness.

If you want more good, you have to find the good where ever you are!

What’s good right now?  What are you able to do?  How are you able to move your body?  Do you have friends and family?  Are your loved ones kind and generous, and are you?  Do you  have a nice place to live?  Work that pays well enough to pay your bills?  Or at least some of them?

When you start noticing what is going right, more things going right are sure to land right at your door.  and then, you will really say, “Wow, I’m so satisfied about this!”

The feeling of satisfaction brings more satisfaction.  Now, get out there and create some satisfying feelings for yourself!!  WOOHOO for you.

Lotsa love and satisfaction from Jen C., the Law of Attraction Life Coach, 848-232-8392 for consults/info.

And here’s some cool tunes from my old friend who is winning music awards in NJ for her amazing music that combines country, folk sounds with a strong spiritual side.


Morning Appreciation Manifesting Routine Abraham Hicks

Some people wake up super happy, so I am sharing my morning appreciation routine, some of it is Abraham-Hicks type stuff but all of it is energy work, clearing energy blocks, and being my Highest Self.

I wanted to share some of what I’m doing–because feeling good is what I want and I know this is helping me to focus my mind in the right way to consistently have good feelings.

If I just looked at my reality, I might not be able to find happiness.  I had to not judge appearances, and realize my God Self, and really go beyond my limits.  As a mom in my early forties, I am realizing that the only thing that matters is love, and I want my new image of myself to reflect my new beliefs, which include love, appreciation, joy, happiness, peace, and especially freedom.

So, this is what I’m doing to create the good feelings (kind of like I’m invincible, and I know I am because I am eternal anyway):

1.  Wake up and appreciate what I’m experiencing right then.  Things like my bed, knowing my children are safe, that we have so many freedoms and abundance of all kinds.

2.  I write one or more paragraphs in my journal about a specific good feeling (fun, playfulness, thoughtful, caring, generous, unconditional love, clarity) and spend about 2-5 minutes writing, because as I write I am building in positive momentum, as long as I keep my words general.  For instance, “All is well, everything is always working out for me, and I am realizing my Highest Self” feels way better than, “I barely paid my bills.”  Of course, there are differences between these two statements, and reasons for choosing each.  The first speaks of unconditional faith and a knowing that all really is well because I can’t make a mistake, and all life is really perfect as is.  The second speaks of lack, which is something we all want to stay away from.  There is a story we all tell ourselves after we experience something–if you tell yourself a story of lack then you are blind to the Universal Laws that are working without permission from you.

3.  I visualize my Energy Ball, (rub your hands together and feel the energy between them) like Christie Marie Sheldon, and I put all the good feelings I want in it for myself and others. So, I just feel me planting the love, the peace, the fun, the freedom, the clarity, the abundance, the gentleness, the harmony, the cooperation, the forgiveness in the energy between my hands, and I send this energy ball to myself, then all of my family members, then all the beings in the world and universe.

You may think this is no big deal, but I assure you, it is.  To have faith in myself and my creative abilities is what God or Source wants for us.  If you are inclined, try this as well,, and share any other good morning appreciation or manifesting routine or tips you may have.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach

PS I am now available by appointment for phone coaching, so if you aren’t in NJ, you can learn LOA with ease. Packages available for any life area, Self, Health, Relationships, Money, Career.

Intention to Feel Good


woman playing guitar photo

It’s surprising that so many of us new age thinkers forget to set the intention to feel good each day!

I homeschool my two young girls, and didn’t get to sleep until 3 am, so maybe I slept until 7.  I am alert and feeling alright though.  I “need” to be alive and fun and peaceful, not cranky and needy myself, if I am going to be a good parent and a great teacher.

How?  I set the intention to feel great through the day.  That means regardless of what I put in my body or what conditions show up that I may not like.

I was reading the workbook to the Conversations With God series, and it definitely hit me, to choose an intention for each day of the week (seven, one for each day) was such an uplifting idea…a way to incorporate the feelings I want seamlessly.

I choose:

  • Monday-Joy,
  • Tuesday-Compassion,
  • Wednesday-Happiness,
  • Thursday-Unconditional Love,
  • Friday–Unconditional Clarity,
  • Saturday–Peace,
  • Sunday-Organization.

Just a nice way to “remember” who I really Am.  Who do you want to be today?  Who do you want to be next year?  You don’t have to wait, you can feel those feelings now!

Go enjoy your day and your life, have some humor.  Know that you are so loved, and so adored by your true Parent, God.  All opinions of others don’t matter at all.  Only your own connection to your true self, which IS GOD.

I don’t always get perfect sleep, I just keep on intending what I want, and all things good keep coming, like better relationships.  If you are thinking you want to change your life, practice some LOA tips here and you are also well on your way to becoming wealthy.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

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Feeling Alignment Getting in the Gap Getting Happy

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Don’t you just love the feeling of alignment, AKA Getting in the Gap, or just Getting Happy?

Most people don’t need to waste their money with therapy, groups, friends, family and many pointless conversations complaining to anyone who will listen!  For most, the answer to prayers truly comes just from focusing on solutions and feeling relief or feeling hopeful about the future.

With focus, feeling alignment becomes easy!  Finding something joyful about right now, being it, just because you are or love who you are, because you are enjoying some part of your experience is what life is all about.  Right now, I am in alignment because I choose to be; I am a conscious creator or a deliberate creator…and therefore, good things like my kids being nice, lots of fun experiences, and having enough of everything just comes naturally as a result of that alignment.

Getting Happy is really the plan for a good life!  What Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about when he was discussing “getting in the gap” was getting from where you are now to where you want to be…part of it is being happy NOW, and not waiting for the happiness to happen when you get there.  Esther Hicks, through Abraham, also teaches about how people should get happy now.

BUT HOW?  Small steps make a big difference!

How does anyone feel alignment when they are sick or have money problems, or they have a lot of drama?

First, anyone can start doing a Book of Positive Aspects, used in Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, where you get a notebook, and write only positive things about any topic–because you just want alignment, because it will make you feel good doing this, or because you want to improve your vibe about a topic (you wish to write about an easy topic that seems fun right now).

Second, begin to ignore as much as you can that isn’t pleasing to you.  Literally, I mean.  Care for yourself in whatever way you need to, but beyond that, ignore anything you don’t like.  It will create a peace in your mind, because complaining is a luxury in most instances.  We really should be praising far more than complaining anyhow–it feels far better and will actually bring us alignment, whereas complaining creates a downward cycle that keeps us down.

Start to think about what is fun instead!  Almost everyone I know says they love nature or like to take a walk, and these things are free.  Not everything costs money if money is tight, and there are lots of activities you would do just because you like them (read, watch or go to a great program, painting, coloring, listening to music, being with a pet, yoga, exercise, meditation, sports with friends, starting a group for DIY topics).  Use your imagination–that is what it is for.  When you put yourself into a positive vibe on purpose, methodically, every day, your life will completely turn around.

So, use the Book of Positive Aspects, ignore problems, praise more, and do fun things!!  Try this and see what turns around for you, and be sure to let us know here when you do!  Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life coach.

Money Consciousness

What is your money truth?  Get your money consciousness up to par! Start telling your money story with better expectations and see where you get!  Whatever you think about, especially with great feeling is what you get in life, so what are you thinking about?

What are your dominant thoughts all day?  Scientists say we think about 60,000 thoughts every day!  If you spent the majority of your time thinking about how you displease others or others displease you, how bad others are, and how you aren’t good enough to achieve your dreams, then you are thinking negative!

If the majority of your thoughts are about good things, expecting good things to happen for yourself and your loved ones, and seeing the good things actually come, then you probably have a good money consciousness as well…money just follows a healthy, good mood!

The Abraham-Hicks In the Vortex CD offers four really good 15-minute meditations on Overall Happiness, Money, Health, and Relationships.  Listening to this CD has given me much relief from all of my monkey mind issues!  One important topic in the CD is that raising your general and overall happiness level, by appreciating all you do have and noticing what IS going right in your life, brings you more happiness and usually, more money as well.

But this video is awesome because it really gives good perspective on how to raise your vibration around money.

Check this out and see if it offers you something wonderful also!  Thank you so much for stopping by.  Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach

How Do I Know if the LOA is Working

When I’m in synch and aligned with Source, I feel great!  I am clear minded and enjoying my life.  How do I know if the LOA is working?  Well, I can tell if LOA is working by how I feel first, and then I can tell if the manifestations I want are coming by how fast/slow they come.

Yesterday, I was looking for a good book for my nephew, so I went out and I bought one at BN for his birthday.  Later in the day, I saw a couple getting ready for their yard sale and I asked if I could look while I was out for a walk, and viola!  I started looking through the books, finding 6 for my kids, and 10 for me, and a Jack Kerouak book–perfect for my 14 year old nephew! I was milking this idea, how great a find these books were, and the ones for me were self-help books like Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsh, and the like.  So, I finished my walk and went back to pick up my box, and the Book Seller commented on how this was his favorite book and how delighted it always made him.

Oh, what a feeling of relief that I found such an interesting book, how I know I am in a good manifesting place overall, because these fun things keep appearing into my life.  Isn’t it nice when something you’ve been wanting shows up, sometimes with not much of a gap in time at all?  Fast manifesting is the result of being in a happy overall state, and having little resistance about a topic.  (Feeling resistance is the opposite, you have negative feelings in general and about a particular topic, you can learn to practice appreciation and lessen your fears.

Has that ever happened to you?  You really were open to receiving something (no stress situation) and it just came so easily into your experience?  Easy manifesting?  Share your story if you have had this experience.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the fun homeschooling mama and LOA Coach.

Attracting More Money using LOA Finding the Feeling Place

Money is a great topic within the Law of Attraction, and seems to be one of the catalysts to get people to try using LOA. Money is only an exchange, so it’s neutral, just like the beautiful beads or shells that were once used as money!  Here’s today’s Manifesting Tip about Money, so you can attract more money using LOA.

Finding the feeling place of money is the question.  You can’t make money, attract clients, win in the market, get a raise, win the lottery, or get freebies and discounts if you are always doubting whether money is flowing to you, or if you are focusing on your Lack of these things!

You have to feel like money, like money is easily flowing all the time, regardless of your job or life situation!  Don’t pray for more money, instead you must feel like you already have it.  Along with general happiness and having a lot of appreciation, this is the way to feel your way to the money you want.  Then, visualize all the fun you will have with the money:  buying new things like clothes, cars, better house, luxuries you want, saving, and donating.  Realize your spreading your abundance is actually helping all the people you paid along the way.  And when you want them to be as happy as you, you can really soar with this.  Visualize all of this in the NOW, because the Universe knows no difference between reality and imagination.  Eventually, your imagined dreams will become your reality.

Here’s an Abraham-Hicks video to show you how to rampage happily into a better feeling place about money.  I hope you love it as much as I do.

Much love and money!