Feeling Satisfied when you aren’t

Hey, Abrahamsters, Do you often struggle with the idea that you should feel good or feel satisfied but then realize you don’t have anything to be happy about?

Some people ask me if they should try to be happy when they aren’t, and the answer is YES.  There is always something to be happy or joyous about, even if you can’t find something in your own life.  If you really think life sucks, then the sun will still rise.  If you feel uncomfortable in your body, there will still be trees and flowers (and they never ask if they are good enough, they just are).  If you think you are broke, well maybe love is making the world go round.  If you are too confused to see/think/feel clearly, just try to relax and get more neutral for a while.

Being detached is a nice feeling.  Not trying too hard, or pushing against, or fixing anybody or anything.

Removing yourself for a while, so that you can get clearer.  Clarity is the best feeling, because it leads to so many good feelings…

So, yes, relax, get neutral, and eventually, gradually, begin building this idea that the Universe is providing for you, giving and gifting TO you, and that you have an abundance not just of things, but also good feelings.

Every good feeling is a manifestation worth noticing!

And when you do, that is the feeling of happy, pleased, satisfied…

Take notice of these little things, feeling moments of joy, seeing the beauty in someone else’s creations (art, jewelry, a nice home, landscaping, clothing, interactions, etc…). Doesn’t even need to be yours.  You can just enjoy what you are seeing.  What you notice is a reflection of you and your current vibe.

And so is your satisfaction level.

So you aren’t satisfied, and you bridge the gap for a while until you are more satisfied.  Then you do it some more, and eventually you realize you are mostly satisfied.  This is the road to happiness.

If you want more good, you have to find the good where ever you are!

What’s good right now?  What are you able to do?  How are you able to move your body?  Do you have friends and family?  Are your loved ones kind and generous, and are you?  Do you  have a nice place to live?  Work that pays well enough to pay your bills?  Or at least some of them?

When you start noticing what is going right, more things going right are sure to land right at your door.  and then, you will really say, “Wow, I’m so satisfied about this!”

The feeling of satisfaction brings more satisfaction.  Now, get out there and create some satisfying feelings for yourself!!  WOOHOO for you.

Lotsa love and satisfaction from Jen C., the Law of Attraction Life Coach, 848-232-8392 for consults/info.

And here’s some cool tunes from my old friend who is winning music awards in NJ for her amazing music that combines country, folk sounds with a strong spiritual side.


Inspired Life

Do you know if you are living an inspired life?

Have you thought about following through on your biggest ideas and plans lately?  As the end of the year quickly approaches, it’s time to get real about if your life is really what you’ve defined it would be.

How do you “know” that your life has meaning?  Can you feel it?

How do you define yourself and what matters to you? More

It’s never too late

Just a little daily inspiration or personal development is all you need, and here Kyle Cease does an excellent job of explaining how we need to look within for whatever we want in life–it all comes from within.

All the good comes to us, because we have a foundation for it established within.  Change your paradigm every day, look within every day, you will be so happy and thankful that you did.  It is never too late to put your feet in the grass, walk in the sand, smell the forest, and play with children, make love to someone special, share your stories, help someone else…these are the things that matter most!  Always look for and be open to your ultimate purpose.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

LOA Acne or Clear Skin

I am so lucky, I have had this little thing some people call acne, and I’ve decided that I’m going to love my skin no matter what.  I do have a choice, to have acne or to have clear skin.  I have progressively, and naturally figured out that when I’m in a good mood and love my skin, I get clearer skin immediately afterwards.  I keep playing around with it, with hormones and mood issues, and I am fully convinced that using LOA to clear up my skin is effective.  Manifesting Tip–keeping playing with your own statements, beliefs, and emotions, until your skin is improving, and make note of how LOA has matched you up with a great response from your body and be thankful for it!

So, the trick is to enjoy your body, in every way, keeping a strong desire to have clear skin, but loving yourself where you are at.  Know that it’s coming when the love is in the now.  Understand?  When you love and appreciate NOW, everything you want comes.

I got a pimple before my period came, but it was only ONE pimple this time.  And I’ve been pretty clear in general, and I am quite satisfied with the results.  I am satisfied!!  For once, I am satisfied instead of complaining about the conditions of my skin (life).  Wait a minute–me being satisfied is the key?  Wait, if I feel successful and happy regardless of my circumstances, my life will be good, AND my skin will clear up? YES!

I often use the affirmation from Louise Hay, “I love, accept, and approve of myself (and others)” and this remembering helps me immensely to just be who I am and not even worry or look at the conditions of my life so much.    And just being happy is way better than waiting to be happy, right?  So, I guess I’ll just enjoy my day and all my great qualities, not worry about my future, and find some fun…and I think it will find me!!

Having clear skin really is a matter of mind, staying positive, and realizing that the body is not the soul.  Your soul is so loved, you are so loved, and your life is so good.  So, I want you to really feel that in your own journey, because the joy is in the journey!  It’s all about that.

Challenging Teen Kids Push Your Buttons

I love being an LOA parent and coach, but my kids still do push my buttons from time to time…or daily.

I keep changing my perspective so that I see myself as an evolving being, so that no one is really right or wrong.  I want my kids to know the power they hold for themselves, so how can I best show them their power?  It’s certainly NOT in taking their power, freedom, favorite things away.  A very misaligned parent takes away from a child to show their power OVER the child.  An aligned parent stays in touch with Source and easily speaks with clarity and grace to her children without expectation that they must obey, for every being is free to decide his/her fate.

And them comes TEENS.  I now have a 13 year old daughter, who is brilliant, funny, and amazing in too many ways to tell you about.  I am glad I can see all the good in her, so when rough moments come, it’s easy to remember.  When a teen pushes your buttons, you need to have your own foundation, and that is within you…All is well, life is easy, every day in every way, I am getting better and better. (And it’s all true!)

You have your own strong foundation, your kids don’t push your buttons!  Get it?

So, here is a video, that gets better as it goes along as well.  The clarity and strength is exactly what I needed to hear about those moments when I’m thinking upstream thoughts, so I can turn them into downstream thoughts about self and having a good relationship with my teen.

Much love, and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA coach

Bashar Excitement Passion Career Work

I am really getting to know Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, and his message, so I’m sharing a little bit.

I have heard Abraham-Hicks explain this concept also, but this really hit home, that I should just keep on the trail of what is exciting.  I had a coaching session with Jeannette Maw from The Good Vibe Blog a while back, and she also told me to make a list of the things I typically do or think I have to do, and rate each thing on a scale of 1-10…then don’t do anything that is less than an 8!  The meaningless fillers will just fall away, it’s really true.

And then, if there are things you have to do, Jeannette said, to find value in them and stay positive while doing them. That’s it!

So, as I pave my new, fun road to my Highest Self, of course, I wanted to share how I am doing it.  The way this video describes the path of excitement about work, is to just find excitement in every area of life, and follow that excitement from thing to thing…and at last it will also show up in the area of “work”.  If we make joy and excitement and passion part of our daily lives, they will be present in all we do, and we will attract the work that has those qualities because we will BE those qualities already.  Make sense?

I’ll close with an Abe quote, “I am happy on my way to my perfect relationships.”  For me this is relationship with self, with Source, with others, with Nature, with Money, with Happiness, with Work, etc…Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach


I have been playing with Bashar and his message for quite some time, and it’s finally sinking in.  At first, I thought Bashar, or Darryl Anka who is channeling this entity, sounded CRAZY.  It is almost like he is yelling at us to “get it”.  He’s got these fitful stops and starts when speaking that kind of turned me off years ago.  A few friends have mentioned that he’s well worth getting to know though, so……I kept trying.  And the last time I listened, I started to think, “He’s actually funny.”  So, I’ve turned around my feelings so that I can actually get his messages.  I am ready, I guess.

I am finding that so many LOA topics that are presented through Abraham-Hicks are well done, however, everybody hears things differently.  I am finding that Bashar gives me some passion, and therefore, is fueling my interest in practicing the spiritual stuff that matters to me.  Now, he’s become my best friend.  🙂  I am so happy and thankful that there are so many amazing spiritual teachers that are reaching out to us Earthlings so that we can evolve with peace.

I recently heard a video where Bashar keeps saying, “Circumstances don’t matter. My right now matters.”  Or something like that.  It really hit home!  Everyone has “circumstances”, and although they are different for each individual person, we all still have something to overcome.  I take full responsibility for my past and my right now, and I know my future will be awesome because I am growing into Who I Really Am.

So, you can learn more at Bashar.org, and I hope you will also enjoy or grow because of it as well.  Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach.


Source is always looking through our eyes!  Listen to this great talk on how to switch from getting a manifestation to finding the feeling place OF the manifestation.  VERY important to FEEL your way to the emotional validation you are seeking!  I am having a very smooth, fun day with my kids, and I know it’s because I have focused in this way and can do it anytime.  Things keep lining up…like today, we took off to the beach, and literally dozens of ladybugs were landing on us, flying around us, flying by.

Letting go of conditions is an amazing feeling…unconditional clarity and alignment feels so nice, and I want you to have that as well.  Listen and learn!  It only takes a minute here and a minute there to feel your way to the alignment you want, then it gets easier, happens more frequently, and then keeps repeating the cycle.  Once you ar ein the cycle, “knowing” that all is well, then life gets really beautiful, because then everything you see is really beautiful, and you won’t find any fault with anyone or anything!  It is wonderful to live life without asking or demanding others to change–just letting them be themselves while you build your own personal power up.  That’s all.  Now, go do it!

Thanks to Dewdrop and Much love from Jen C., the LOA Coach

Best Song from Annie by Sia and Quvenzhane Wallis Opportunity

I watched the 2014 version of the musical Annie, and remembering the soundtrack, I wanted to share the BEST song from it. It’s Sia’s song Opportunity, but sung by Quvenzhane Wallis.  Both of their talents are immeasurable, and the song really uplifts.  Enjoy!

The song begins at about 30 seconds in.  Look how this little girl really did wrap the world around her finger, and how the LOA paired her up with so many opportunities!  I am so happy for her!

Much love from Jen C., the LOA Coach

11 Forgotten Laws of the Universe by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey

I love the 11 Forgotten Laws of the Universe, and Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey are gifted and natural teachers. I am writing about this topic today because it is of interest to me, because it expands me every time I think about it, and because it may also do the same for you. Considering that the Law of Attraction is the most focused upon law, and according to Esther Hicks, it’s also the strongest, these other laws are unknown or not explored much.  I’ve become so much happier working with each of these laws, accepting them into my being, and now doing this 11 Forgotten Laws Review so that anyone who wants this powerful manifesting information can benefit from it.

I’d like to spend a lot of time considering each, but want to give a snippet of each so that you can see how they work and which ones resonate with you. More

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