Law of Attraction and Forgiveness

I have been taking a lot of time lately to think about this process of using the law of attraction and forgiveness.  Using the LOA, I am incorporating forgiveness into my life with relative ease.  Years past, this never would have happened!  And, now that I’m older, wiser, and more loving, I am enjoying this amazing process to just feel good, regardless of my past with certain people or situations.

Have you ever known that someone has done you wrong and dwell on it, solely thinking about how the other person has so many faults?  I have.  I know this is the kind of mindset that will literally kill a person.  Feeling blame, having guilt, wishing to have done things differently and not appreciating yourself, getting angry, frustrated, resentful all the time…these are the negative emotions–life suckers–that grate on a person over time.  Instead of ever resolving a situation or coming to a positive understanding after a conflict, and if  focused on the negativity, you will NEVER get out. More