The Wallet Process


I love feeling good and helping people; this has become my life, and I’m usually tweaking some aspect of this energy and vibration management.  What I’ve come to understand is that The Wallet Process by Abraham-Hicks, is the first and foremost BEST and most valuable tool you can use to change your vibration around MONEY.

If you are making, having, and keeping, or growing all the money you need and more, then, don’t bother reading this, you are already doing better than great.

However, if you would like to shift your vibe from a lack of money to a vibe of flowing money easily, then this is right in time for you for the holidays!  I like to spend a lot of money on certain things, so I keep this Wallet Process active for myself.  It is the go-to game changer that I wanted, and I am happy to tell you how easy it is to welcome more money to your experience.

First, I would highly suggest you read about it in Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  Second, I’ll explain how this works and why it works.  Just remember that the “how” and the “why” are Source’s job, not ours.  Have some faith and try this for 30 or more days until the vibe you emit is stable around money.

The Wallet Process is to get a $100 bill, and keep it in your wallet all the time.  Then you have it there as a “reference point” to always feel certain and sure about it, because it’s really there.  Or if you always have a little money in the bank, then you can refer to that as well.  The whole point of the exercise is to visualize yourself spending that $100 as many times as you can during the day, which could be 20 or 30 or more times.  You get the vibrational equivalent of spending 2000-3000 then, rather than if you just spend the $100 immediately after having it in your possession.

So, for me, I”d be saying to myself, I would love to try that new vegan restaurant, and I could buy a new pair of shoes.  I could pay for some nice clothes for my girls, or get fancy Halloween costumes.  I could take a class for myself!  I like having that money there; I could buy organic tea; I could make a donation to a non-profit I like; I could buy shelves; I could get bulbs and plants for landscaping.  I could take a little getaway and hike at Mohonk; I could take a museum trip to NYC.

Your list may be very different, but that is ok, just spend your $100 as many times as you can think of it (don’t say that you’ll save it, the goal is to get used to spending it in your mind’s eye), and if you practice this process for a short while, your vibe around money will become less resistant, and therefore, will allow more money to flow to you.  Which is just what you want for happy holidays–no stress, lotsa fun, and building a Rich Vibe!

Much love and many blessings, from Jen C., the LOA Life and Wealth Coach.