Finding Bliss during stressful times

Welcome to LOA and More! Today I am interested in expressing how well the LOA works and how to use it effectively even when you feel like you’ve been given a bowl of lemons.

Everyone feels helpless at times, like the control we have is slipping away. Like we are trying so hard and what we want is leaving, and there is a void. Or an angry person is telling you where to go and you not only don’t deserve it, but you didn’t see it coming!

If we are practicing LOA then we also know that we create our own reality…So what we expect, desire, and believe will happen is what will manifest.

And this is why it’s not necessary to be perfect, but it is necessary to make gradual changes in how you respond to each situation that arises. It’s not complicated, especially if you just try to maintain a good mood most of the time.

See if the next few examples make sense for you and if you’d like to challenge yourself to try it as well.

1.  You’re speaking with your spouse and then he/she finds fault with you. Typically, you would stuff that feeling down or get upset and blow up.

LOA teaches awareness, so you can stop or slow down the flow of energy toward helplessness, anger, fear, shame, doubts.  Even while your partner is unhappy, you don’t have to be!

You can remember to breathe and relax in the knowing that this accusation is not about you, but about him/her.

You might be considerate and acknowledge that your partner may have had a bad day, or maybe received some bad news.  Becoming aware of yourself during these situations is a great step toward having a new and desired outcome.  What would you like yours to be?

2.  You thought you were getting ahead then you get yet “another” setback.  You feel burdened with all you have on your shoulders, and you barely have any room to move.

LOA teaches you to find ease, so that when you aren’t in a sticky situation, you would be practicing ease.  If you were doing that often, you will see the results!  So, what can you do now to bring some ease into your life?  Something small, like breathing deeply while you are waiting in line, or while you are driving?

You can’t get ahead until you decide you have an easy life right now!

Hope you can feel the love, and that you’ll create your own today.  Jen C, the Law of Attraction Life Coach