Feel Like Your Life is a Masterpiece

No matter where you are in your life, you have to feel like you yourself are an accomplishment.  Like you are the value and purpose of your own life.

Wait…you don’t always feel like that?  I know.  We’ve all been told we’re not enough.  We’ve all suffered and told ourselves that we weren’t strong, that we’re messed up.

But what if all of that was wrong…because we focused on what was wrong with us (or what we were lacking), and that we weren’t looking at what was right with us?

As Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the things you look at, the things you look at change.”  Doesn’t that stop and give you pause?

Spending time dissecting all the things I did wrong was a pasttime of mine, and I know I’m pretty normal, so I am guessing most people–especially women–do this.  But we don’t have to.

And I won’t any longer.  Feeling strong in what is good about me is now my pasttime.  I feel great knowing that I’m special and loved, I’m adored because Source loves me.  And I am comforted that Source loves every single one of us.  Equally.

And that because we’re eternal, there is no end to the creating.  If I don’t ever figure out how to relax in this lifetime, it’s ok.  I have many lifetimes.

What is going right with me?  A heck of a lot!  Most of me is pleasing to me, and I take pleasure in finding what is good in myself.  And because I took the time to learn this for myself, I can actually see more of the good in others as well.

IF you have trouble finding what is going right with yourself, consider coming to a Women’s Sacred Circle and get in touch with our community of Beautiful Goddesses that would completely adore you and remind you that you are amazing.  There is no need to wait.  You deserve all good right now.  With nothing to prove, join ours or any other women’s circle for some awesome vibes.

We meet a few times a month for these Women’s Circles in Belmar and Brick, NJ.

The remembering is what is important.  Because we all would remember if we could release the toxic ideas we started believing about ourselves.  We each have the power to turn all that upside down!  to get our personal power back!  It’s easier and more fun than you think, just gradually building new ideas about self, so that you can allow yourself to become this Masterpiece.

Lotsa love from Jen C., The LOA Life Coach










Focus Wheel and Focus are Key for Success

I was blown away by this Focus Wheel video from Abraham-Hicks, and focus is truly the key for LOA success.  This process is very effective to move you into better feeling thoughts, and make you feel more certain and sure about where you are going.  (The example here is someone asking about Real Estate success, but really does apply to anyone).

If you would like to see/hear/feel how the Focus Wheel process works, this is the perfect way to find out.  The wheel has a statement that you begin with and then you proceed to add some similar feeling statements, that you keep general enough in the earlier stages, and you get more specific as you gain in positive momentum/clarity/strength/belief.

click me

Enjoy, and all the best!  Much love and blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

Join me at the Good Vibe University for lots of fun, LOA tips, and joyful feelings.

Tipping the Scales

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Don’t you just love the feeling of knowing that Source is obviously loving you and adoring you?  I am so there!  I feel that Source is flowing what seems to be all good things directly to me, like there is a pipeline with all my favorite everything on the way.

Lately, I have been feeling like my life is so full of good people and situations, like everything I want is already here.  I have been doing the new story that goes with it, so I am not at all surprised that I feel good where I’m at.

But not so long ago, I was kind of cranky and somewhat miserable, maybe even hopeless!  It was gradual changes, intentional changes, over time…and looking back it seems like years.

I look now at my life and am so completely Happy, and feeling more Satisfied with each passing day.  I know this comes only from the emotional journey I’ve been on, and that anyone can do that as well.

If you need some direction, follow your heart.  If you are unhappy where you are, stop and listen.  You have the answers you need.  The answers are never “out there”.  Yet, remember that it is the inner “work” that creates your reality, so start talking yourself up and tip the scales in your favor!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Hormones galore here, so I am exploring how to deal with LOA and PMS.  I am one of those nursing moms that is experiencing some changes.  Not menopause types, just crampy, hormonal, and flow type stuff.

I see myself having light and easy periods that last three days.  I see myself transitioning to using a DIVA cup or something that I barely have to see or come into contact with.  The less and easier it is, the better.  My manifesting tips are to visualize the best case scenario, but expect even better.

With the law of attraction, I do have to practice what I want sometimes.  I have had consistent and predictable periods that have been heavy on days one and two, but barely ever crampy.  But now that I my littlest is almost completely weaned from my milk, my periods have gotten more crampy and heavy.

So, I like this video, short and sweet for you, so you can get a quick and easy idea of how to just embrace getting into the vortex, and then knowing that all my physical body will respond.  I trust this to be the case.

I do the Health Process in Ask and It is Given, and it helps me daily.  I have also put myself on a great path for health and healing using it.  My PMS is changing, and my cycle is getting shorter and lighter.  I expect the rest is also on the way!

If you’d also like to hear more about healing diabetes, you may join me on Facebook at Diabetes to Wellness.  Much love and many blessings, from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Love for all at Christmas 2015

This year, I am in awe of the good I’ve created for myself and in the world.  I am really starting to live my core values well, and I see big changes every day.  But, mostly, I am so happy and thankful that I have love for all at Christmas 2015.

I see and hear people complaining about others every day, and I it’s easier to not be affected by this.  The “problems” they complain about are usually their immediate family, friends, boss, coworkers, and neighbors doing them wrong, or people of some group that has somehow wronged someone else.

I challenge this, because I am a LOA coach, and I know that it’s never the other’s fault.  What we see is what we are.  What we experience is what we are.

I know part of the reason I see this is because I’m a coach, and people tend to tell me their stuff and know that I can help in some way.  And I am happy to!  That will never cease, that people will have issues.  I just wish people could also be responsible for their own vibe and not make their unhappiness about others.

If a person is unhappy, it’s not anyone else’s fault.  That person needs to change their perspective TO gain happiness.  Other people don’t need to change a thing.  🙂

And so this whole Christmas thing (and I’m spiritual, not Catholic since I was in college), just reminds me of the truth of the soul, and how I love to see it expressed.  Every time someone complains, there is an unmet need, a desire.  I feel it’s important to help them find their true need, like compassion, to help them pinpoint what they really do want.  And to encourage them that it’s possible to have that.

So, if you complain to me and I stop you and ask you what you really do want, don’t be surprised if you figure it out and your life feels better.  I’ll be praising you for taking the reigns of your own life and I’ll raise a glass to your success this year.  And if your loved ones start complaining to you, you’ll know the best trick to turn the conversation around fast!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Have you thanked your Angels

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I have been meditating lately on this topic, Have you thanked your Angels?  And I am very engrossed with this idea that the Angels are everywhere and in everything, just like Spirit.

So, how could any of us have done anything without them?  We give ourselves all the credit when something goes right, but blame others when something goes wrong.  But the truth is, as soon as we ask, it is given–it is only ourselves who block the delivery of our desires.

Even still, it’s other beings who know what we desire and are orchestrating them FOR us, on our behalf.  We all also have a Higher Self, and maybe these two are truly the same, I don’t really know!

One thing I do know for sure is that without others, I would have nothing.  Everything we have comes through someone else, and has been given to us through an invisible network of beings and God.  I realized I haven’t been thanking Universe enough for all the good I do have, and the Angels working on my behalf IS Good that I do have!

For this holiday season, and maybe into January and February, I think it’s worth it to ponder what these Angels do just because we ask for something.  No one is asking me to prove I am good enough, or to show my worth.  Everything is just given to me.  Because I am.

I hope you can wake up feeling great every day, realize how amazing you truly are, and do something nice for someone else, knowing that you are someone else’s Angel as well.  Make sure you thank your Angels today, you won’t be sorry!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., The LOA Life Coach

What We Are Able to Perceive

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What we are able to perceive is a reflection of the state of mind and heart we are in.  Did you ever notice that when you are in a bad mood, more bad things keep happening?  Or if you are in a good mood, there is no end to the fun you have?

The reason is that we are only able to perceive within whatever vibration we are in.

  • If we are vibing “no money” we keep seeing no money in the situations we encounter and in our bank accounts.
  • If we are vibing “bad relationships” many things can go wrong within a few different relationships, even ones we enjoy.
  • If we are vibing “sickness”, we get more sickness!

The way to get out of this cycle, is to intend to feel good before you even get out of bed.  Intend to feel what God wants us to feel, which is good, relief, joy, happiness, and comfort.  Of course, there are many more higher energy vibes you could begin with, but I think this is a great starting point.  Where ever you are at, you can make the decision to just start being happy for no reason, and watch the LOA do it’s job.  Life gets easier and easier when you are being a Deliberate Creator, enjoying the process of vibing what you want, rather than waiting for the other shoe to drop all the time.

So, we are only able to perceive certain things, and the emotions and powers we want to have or be, sometimes seem invisible to us…and that is actually true.  With so many realities to choose from, we literally could be anything we want.  We get to choose, we get to pick that vibe.  Pay attention–wake up!  See what you are really vibing today, and see what it makes you wish to intend for tomorrow as you are laying in bed.

Intend to feel good, and pick one of the categories above to plan out better feelings for–Money, Relationships, or Health, and see where you are after doing it for 30 days.  Your gradual change will almost guarantee your success, so you can look at your life and actually feel great looking at it, as is, rather than how you would like it to be.  BUT, until then, use your imagination to get where you want to go, stay happy along the way, and you will get there!  Your better overall mood will bring you better results in your whole life, so all three topics could be affected at the same time.

Put your best vibe out there!  Your Highest Self feels the best emotions for you, and you can also.  If you don’t like your results, start vibing something more…expand yourself so that you can BE more.  Your perceptions will change over time.

Much love, and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach.

Feeling Alignment Getting in the Gap Getting Happy

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Don’t you just love the feeling of alignment, AKA Getting in the Gap, or just Getting Happy?

Most people don’t need to waste their money with therapy, groups, friends, family and many pointless conversations complaining to anyone who will listen!  For most, the answer to prayers truly comes just from focusing on solutions and feeling relief or feeling hopeful about the future.

With focus, feeling alignment becomes easy!  Finding something joyful about right now, being it, just because you are or love who you are, because you are enjoying some part of your experience is what life is all about.  Right now, I am in alignment because I choose to be; I am a conscious creator or a deliberate creator…and therefore, good things like my kids being nice, lots of fun experiences, and having enough of everything just comes naturally as a result of that alignment.

Getting Happy is really the plan for a good life!  What Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about when he was discussing “getting in the gap” was getting from where you are now to where you want to be…part of it is being happy NOW, and not waiting for the happiness to happen when you get there.  Esther Hicks, through Abraham, also teaches about how people should get happy now.

BUT HOW?  Small steps make a big difference!

How does anyone feel alignment when they are sick or have money problems, or they have a lot of drama?

First, anyone can start doing a Book of Positive Aspects, used in Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, where you get a notebook, and write only positive things about any topic–because you just want alignment, because it will make you feel good doing this, or because you want to improve your vibe about a topic (you wish to write about an easy topic that seems fun right now).

Second, begin to ignore as much as you can that isn’t pleasing to you.  Literally, I mean.  Care for yourself in whatever way you need to, but beyond that, ignore anything you don’t like.  It will create a peace in your mind, because complaining is a luxury in most instances.  We really should be praising far more than complaining anyhow–it feels far better and will actually bring us alignment, whereas complaining creates a downward cycle that keeps us down.

Start to think about what is fun instead!  Almost everyone I know says they love nature or like to take a walk, and these things are free.  Not everything costs money if money is tight, and there are lots of activities you would do just because you like them (read, watch or go to a great program, painting, coloring, listening to music, being with a pet, yoga, exercise, meditation, sports with friends, starting a group for DIY topics).  Use your imagination–that is what it is for.  When you put yourself into a positive vibe on purpose, methodically, every day, your life will completely turn around.

So, use the Book of Positive Aspects, ignore problems, praise more, and do fun things!!  Try this and see what turns around for you, and be sure to let us know here when you do!  Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life coach.

LOA Forums and Fun with Good Vibe University

Well I’m all for a good time, so I signed up for LOA Forums with Good Vibe University.

Jeannette Maw is the head coach over there (and I did have an excellent private coaching session with her a few months ago), giving some sparkling ideas and insights as to what life can be.  So, I really like her coaching style, and for a nice, low monthly fee, I get access to some of the best private LOA information online, not to mention coaching for ME!  Plus, I get the wonderful co-creation process of giving and taking in the forums, because that in and of itself is truly an inspiration, where I get to learn better how to manifest all I want.

Right now, there is a back to school special going on, but still it is well worth the money–only $9 a month for access to the best LOA courses and coaching at Good Vibe University!  I have already learned how to get better results with my blood sugars, and manifest more money.  I have also had a lot of great inspiration as well, leading me to take certain actions or think certain thoughts, and this came from being in the right state of mind and heart to receive it.

I am really happy to also say that I will be helping start a new forum topic, which is Law of Attraction and Parenting, and maybe even Divorce, and I’ll be offering my insights as part of the GVU community there.

Definitely take the plunge if you want some online LOA info, it’s the best!  Much love and many blessings, from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

Judge not by appearances Neale Donald Walsh

I got a lot out of this video and wanted to share it.  It’s about how the universe says only, “Yes,” and that we have to line up with getting rid of all lack and fears and doubts, and that our wishes will be fulfilled.

You will laugh when you see how easy it is, so it’s just something to think about as the weekend approaches.  I know all is well, and that it always will be, and I hope you’ll get so much out of it that you’ll be jumping for joy.

But the end is VERY profound, in that the “judge not by appearances” has so many meanings. See for yourself!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach

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