
Getting Money with the Law of Attraction is easier than you think!

It’s not complicated and you don’t have to spend hours of your day writing, journaling, or visualizing.   A little of those can help.

You don’t need mantras or chants, but they sure can be fun.

You don’t need to beg, or constantly ask God to give it to you.

You don’t need to win the lottery.

You don’t need to revisit why you are poorer than you’d like.  You don’t need to do much, really, except…

You DO need to feel abundant.  You can’t become stable, reliable with money, like you already have it all, unless you start telling a New Money Story.

 I coach people from all walks of life, but those who want more money only get it when they achieve the vibe that matches the money.   And it all has to do with emotions, NOT the stuff.

Do you truly want to become the person you’ve wanted to look at in the mirror?

If you do, then we have plenty to talk about!  Because creating a money mindset is far more than thinking about money.  It has much more to do with feeling good, looking for opportunities, finding lessons in everything, being pleased, and of course… feeling thankful.

I help people to find a gradual approach to move into new ways of thinking and feeling, which is the only way TO lasting change that you can feel confident about.  It’s voluntary and it’s freedom based.  It’s not motivation, because when it’s inspired it actually feels good.  My coaching methods are different because I am in unity with Source Energy (even through contrast) AND I can help you with seeing yourself differently than you may have in the past.

We are focused in the here and now, so we will find good together.  We do the Abraham-Hicks Processes.  We do our sessions over the phone to make it as easy as possible for you, who wants to move into Alignment more often and more deeply.  I offer easy payment arrangements with PayPal so that we can get started quickly.  Just text me or call me at 848-232-8392 to set up a time and day that suits us both.

My Law of Attraction Money classes are tailored to you (I have teaching and guidance counselor experience plus am trained as an LOA Life Coach and Wealth Coach), plus my Intuitive side that comes out with using the LOA will help me understand what you want with ease.

There’s no risk because I do a free consult for 15 minutes.  After that, you can decide if you’d like Law of Attraction Money Coaching.  You can start with an hour session, or do the package.  Feel free to discuss this with me.

Always looking forward to better Money and Happiness Vibrations!

Much love and Many Blessings, from Jen C, the LOA Life Coach


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