Attracting the Right Perfect Clients

I love helping people find or attract the right perfect clients.  Living where I live, I am a SAHM and homeschooling two of my daughters, I love being able to work part time while combining a few ways to work from home.  So, being able to find great clients is really important for face to face meetings or running a business online.

I got some very awesome minutes of Jeannette Maw’s (at the Good Vibe Blog) time a while back, after she did a course on attracting the best clients, and she said that we have to learn the vibration of clients…Huh?  Clients have a vibration???????

She said if we think about how we are “not attracting clients”, not attracting clients who will pay, not attracting clients that are perfectly suited for us in our practices…then, we just don’t understand the vibration of clients.

So, if you want to attract the right and perfect clients for your business, what does the vibration of having amazing clients feel like?  For starters, it’s easy.  Life is easy, so, work is also easy and fun.  I enjoy going to work, I love knowing that a stream of perfect clients continually and endlessly flow to me, at exactly the right time for me.  I love the excitement of where each day will go, and my expansion as I go with it.  I love going with the flow of life, and I know life keeps bringing me more fun ways to enjoy my work.  My clients love me because I’m a gifted (you fill in the blank…coach, planner, stylist, mechanic) and help people realize their desires.

You line up with the path of attracting the right clients, and you don’t look back.  Don’t pro/con, just move forward in the direction of your dreams, as Emerson said.  If you say to yourself, “I am going to attract the coolest, most fun clients that will make working the best time I spend all day,” but then go and say, “I always get such duds as clients,” you will have a mixed vibration, and will end up staying in the same spot until the tide turns one way or the other to more positive or more negative.  Which will you choose?  If you keep doubts and fears alive, you won’t really ever get ahead, so go ahead and give yourself a chance for once, ok?  Your dreams are reachable, and increasing your belief in yourself a little at a time will definitely pay off!

Once you get in the habit of flowing thoughts such as positive affirmations using positive momentum, you will truly become a gifted creator that can bring mental ideas into reality, and you will do it more quickly as you focus better.  You may also like Happy for No Reason, by Marci Shimoff.  She advocates using success and happiness principles that can easily be learned to improve overall happiness.  The stuff we want is really a bi-product of that happiness.

In the movie, The Secret, the world finally learned that you can be happy AND learn manifesting tips to bring the “stuff” you want into reality as well.  It’s no secret that the secret is really happiness!

I love learning how to create the life I want and also uplift others along the way.  If you have a great story to share about this, please leave some comments below.

Learn about becoming a blogger or creating your own site and loving a part time gig!

Much love from Jen C.