What do you want to do with your time 28000 Jelly Beans

I saw this cool Jelly Bean video today and thought, I’d really like to share this, because it will make people think!

What are your 10 favorite things to do?  What things do you really love?  I really did teach myself to read music and play really basic guitar–but I DID IT!  And, yes, it brings me great satisfaction that I thought I was a lost cause at playing music when I was younger, and I got over that limiting belief easily as an adult.

What do you want to have time for?  What kind of ease do you want in your life?  Just being outside more, smelling fresh air? I live one mile from the beach here in NJ, and I have the best of everything, the beach is close, trees and forests within a few minutes, cultural centers like NYC, Philly, and Princeton all 1-2 hours away.  What’s your getaway?  What settings bring you the peace you desire?

What about your life’s purpose?  This jelly bean diagram really made me think that I’d better get more focused to achieve certain goals, but also then, I remembered what LOA teaches–to relax, be happy, have fun, and that is really what brings us closer to our dreams.

You can have ALL you want and more, if you are only HOPEFUL that you can and keep your thoughts aligned with getting it (instead of NOT getting it or being miserable).  That’s the magic formula from Abraham-Hicks, “Ask, Believe, and Receive.”

So, enjoy this 28000 Jelly Beans video, and see what it means to you.  Maybe you’ll want to spend more time with the people you care about, do what inspires you, and have more fun, and I really hope you will.  Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Coach