Arguing For My Limitations

I had an almost urgent feeling that I HAD to get this post out. I just took up jogging again, after years of not bothering to even try real cardio. There is good news and good news! But I must start at the beginning and brief you, so you fully understand why it matters where I came from…

I was teaching in Newark when I started jogging, urged along by a coworker, who was a former marathon runner. I was maybe 25 or 26, in great health overall, but never tried jogging outside of high school gym class, where I got winded. After a few runs with my students as part of a jogging program during school, I didn’t get winded any longer. It was getting easy. So easy, I started running at home and loving it.

It kept getting easier, actually. So easy, I was running 4 miles in the morning without breaking a sweat. Eight minute miles without breaking a sweat. Then, I thought, maybe I’ll train for something bigger like a marathon or a half marathon. I started doing longer weekend runs, getting up to 8-10 miles no problem.

All the while, I was considering getting pregnant, and with my (ex) husband wanting to get pregnant faster, I took medical advice that I really didn’t like. More

Gaining or Losing Confidence after Divorce

I have to share a really personal story, because I believe it has real relevance for anyone out there. Although losing confidence after divorce is so typical, I believe there is a benefit to notice that gaining confidence IS possible after a life changing event, even if the event appears to be “negative.” It is my experience, that although most divorcing people attempt to get friends and family to understand their side of the arguments they put forth, it is never one-sided!  People in the midst of divorce feel stifled and suffocated by their spouse at times, and sometimes the divorce is seen as the answer to “free” the person of the ball and chain.  Through the divorce, a person can feel free enough to now pursue the ideas, ideals, dreams, or goals that they did not feel they could arrange within the marriage. Truth be told, it theoretically could be possible to be free within the marriage as well, but that would take a path to allow freedom for both partners. Very hard to accept blame when a spouse believes he/she has been wronged, and it’s far easier to blame the other…

If one’s confidence is tied to another’s opinion of you, you will be a sitting duck during a divorce. More

LOA and Increasing Personal Power

Anyone interested in LOA and increasing personal power is in for a treat today. I am going to give you a treat. I feel your thankfulness, and you are welcome. I want you to attain your goals, and I love being a cheerleader for all the things you want and think would be fun.

Some of the greatest teachings of Abraham-Hicks are these gems about gaining personal power, combined with some of my own experiences, which are certainly evolving as I progress through life as an Aber.  I even wrote a self-love report to help you learn and test manifesting, which of course A-H has inspired within me.  You can get it here for free, and it’s not available anywhere else.

  • Listen to this amazing Abraham-Hicks morning appreciation video and this one on increasing personal power first.
  • Realize that anything that is important is in our hearts, and the only thing that gives us strength is what we can give away to empower or inspire ourselves and others.
  • Know and believe fully that you are a conscious creator of your world, that you are contributing to the greater good and expansion of the universe, that life is good and fun, that you are only good (even if you were ever told differently), that in choosing to focus on something to make yourself happy or feeling appreciation is the strongest power you have.
  • Know and believe that you have the chance to create clarity by pre-paving your day.  You must not stay stuck in chaotic mental chatter, getting yourself nowhere every day.  You will know if this is happening because you will have the same results.  You must choose to have clarity in your life to lesson the doubt and worries you have, simply by asking for clarity.  Clarity helps the answers you have been asking to come to you.  When answers do come, and they will, listen to your internal voice and take action.  And be thankful right in that moment, bask in that moment, and more and more clarity WILL begin to come on a more regular basis.
  • Leave all your ideas about exactly HOW to get where you want to go in life OUT OF THE PICTURE.  If you continue to dictate to the universe or God every little detail about what you want, you will constantly be pulled out of the vortex as you realize it hasn’t manifested yet.  Don’t make this manifesting mistake; instead, just continue to have focus on just feeling happy in the moment and bask and enjoy as much of your life, your blessings, your time with family and friends, your job, your home, your car, etc…so that you continue to build more good feelings in each area of your life.
  • I am reading this awesome book called 365 Thank Yous: The Year A Simple Act of Gratitude Changed My Life, by John Kralik.  Since I believe that one of the best ways to influence others is just by noticing who they really are and appreciating them, and since writing a thank you can be a way to reach lots of various people in your life, I believe that this is a practice that can help anyone achieve their goals, but not because of the focus on achieving something.  Rather, feelings change from negative to positive as a person creates a focus on something to appreciate in others.  Really, everything is a gift, and when you take the time to “note” who is gifting to you, you create an amazing circle of kindness, that will in turn just keep coming back to you tenfold.

I challenge you, to look at your desires right now, and decide that if you are not reaching those goals, that you can dedicate yourself to changing even one small thing about your thinking, and even taking some action to writing a thank you note.

I would love to hear how you chose to increase your own power at any point in your life…what did you do, and how can others replicate it so that they can also do it?

Much love!


Law of Attraction and Forgiveness

I have been taking a lot of time lately to think about this process of using the law of attraction and forgiveness.  Using the LOA, I am incorporating forgiveness into my life with relative ease.  Years past, this never would have happened!  And, now that I’m older, wiser, and more loving, I am enjoying this amazing process to just feel good, regardless of my past with certain people or situations.

Have you ever known that someone has done you wrong and dwell on it, solely thinking about how the other person has so many faults?  I have.  I know this is the kind of mindset that will literally kill a person.  Feeling blame, having guilt, wishing to have done things differently and not appreciating yourself, getting angry, frustrated, resentful all the time…these are the negative emotions–life suckers–that grate on a person over time.  Instead of ever resolving a situation or coming to a positive understanding after a conflict, and if  focused on the negativity, you will NEVER get out. More