Hormones galore here, so I am exploring how to deal with LOA and PMS.  I am one of those nursing moms that is experiencing some changes.  Not menopause types, just crampy, hormonal, and flow type stuff.

I see myself having light and easy periods that last three days.  I see myself transitioning to using a DIVA cup or something that I barely have to see or come into contact with.  The less and easier it is, the better.  My manifesting tips are to visualize the best case scenario, but expect even better.

With the law of attraction, I do have to practice what I want sometimes.  I have had consistent and predictable periods that have been heavy on days one and two, but barely ever crampy.  But now that I my littlest is almost completely weaned from my milk, my periods have gotten more crampy and heavy.

So, I like this video, short and sweet for you, so you can get a quick and easy idea of how to just embrace getting into the vortex, and then knowing that all my physical body will respond.  I trust this to be the case.

I do the Health Process in Ask and It is Given, and it helps me daily.  I have also put myself on a great path for health and healing using it.  My PMS is changing, and my cycle is getting shorter and lighter.  I expect the rest is also on the way!

If you’d also like to hear more about healing diabetes, you may join me on Facebook at Diabetes to Wellness.  Much love and many blessings, from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Love for all at Christmas 2015

This year, I am in awe of the good I’ve created for myself and in the world.  I am really starting to live my core values well, and I see big changes every day.  But, mostly, I am so happy and thankful that I have love for all at Christmas 2015.

I see and hear people complaining about others every day, and I it’s easier to not be affected by this.  The “problems” they complain about are usually their immediate family, friends, boss, coworkers, and neighbors doing them wrong, or people of some group that has somehow wronged someone else.

I challenge this, because I am a LOA coach, and I know that it’s never the other’s fault.  What we see is what we are.  What we experience is what we are.

I know part of the reason I see this is because I’m a coach, and people tend to tell me their stuff and know that I can help in some way.  And I am happy to!  That will never cease, that people will have issues.  I just wish people could also be responsible for their own vibe and not make their unhappiness about others.

If a person is unhappy, it’s not anyone else’s fault.  That person needs to change their perspective TO gain happiness.  Other people don’t need to change a thing.  🙂

And so this whole Christmas thing (and I’m spiritual, not Catholic since I was in college), just reminds me of the truth of the soul, and how I love to see it expressed.  Every time someone complains, there is an unmet need, a desire.  I feel it’s important to help them find their true need, like compassion, to help them pinpoint what they really do want.  And to encourage them that it’s possible to have that.

So, if you complain to me and I stop you and ask you what you really do want, don’t be surprised if you figure it out and your life feels better.  I’ll be praising you for taking the reigns of your own life and I’ll raise a glass to your success this year.  And if your loved ones start complaining to you, you’ll know the best trick to turn the conversation around fast!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Have you thanked your Angels

family sunset photo

I have been meditating lately on this topic, Have you thanked your Angels?  And I am very engrossed with this idea that the Angels are everywhere and in everything, just like Spirit.

So, how could any of us have done anything without them?  We give ourselves all the credit when something goes right, but blame others when something goes wrong.  But the truth is, as soon as we ask, it is given–it is only ourselves who block the delivery of our desires.

Even still, it’s other beings who know what we desire and are orchestrating them FOR us, on our behalf.  We all also have a Higher Self, and maybe these two are truly the same, I don’t really know!

One thing I do know for sure is that without others, I would have nothing.  Everything we have comes through someone else, and has been given to us through an invisible network of beings and God.  I realized I haven’t been thanking Universe enough for all the good I do have, and the Angels working on my behalf IS Good that I do have!

For this holiday season, and maybe into January and February, I think it’s worth it to ponder what these Angels do just because we ask for something.  No one is asking me to prove I am good enough, or to show my worth.  Everything is just given to me.  Because I am.

I hope you can wake up feeling great every day, realize how amazing you truly are, and do something nice for someone else, knowing that you are someone else’s Angel as well.  Make sure you thank your Angels today, you won’t be sorry!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., The LOA Life Coach

Intention to Feel Good


woman playing guitar photo

It’s surprising that so many of us new age thinkers forget to set the intention to feel good each day!

I homeschool my two young girls, and didn’t get to sleep until 3 am, so maybe I slept until 7.  I am alert and feeling alright though.  I “need” to be alive and fun and peaceful, not cranky and needy myself, if I am going to be a good parent and a great teacher.

How?  I set the intention to feel great through the day.  That means regardless of what I put in my body or what conditions show up that I may not like.

I was reading the workbook to the Conversations With God series, and it definitely hit me, to choose an intention for each day of the week (seven, one for each day) was such an uplifting idea…a way to incorporate the feelings I want seamlessly.

I choose:

  • Monday-Joy,
  • Tuesday-Compassion,
  • Wednesday-Happiness,
  • Thursday-Unconditional Love,
  • Friday–Unconditional Clarity,
  • Saturday–Peace,
  • Sunday-Organization.

Just a nice way to “remember” who I really Am.  Who do you want to be today?  Who do you want to be next year?  You don’t have to wait, you can feel those feelings now!

Go enjoy your day and your life, have some humor.  Know that you are so loved, and so adored by your true Parent, God.  All opinions of others don’t matter at all.  Only your own connection to your true self, which IS GOD.

I don’t always get perfect sleep, I just keep on intending what I want, and all things good keep coming, like better relationships.  If you are thinking you want to change your life, practice some LOA tips here and you are also well on your way to becoming wealthy.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

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LOA diabetes

I wonder how many people are using LOA to heal from diabetes?  Probably not many, but I am telling some of my story in the hope that it will help someone.  Join my Diabetes into Wellness Facebook group here.

I made a commitment to be the healthiest diabetic I could be when I was first diagnosed at 17.  I still have no complications and am in pretty good overall health regardless, and I’m almost 42.  I have tried a bunch of different ideas over the past few years, all of them bringing me closer to healing completely.  I try not to think of myself as diabetic at all, even though doctors like to say I’m type 1 and it’s incurable.

I heard in the movie, The Secret, one of the authors/speakers say that incurable means “curable from within.”  That really stuck with me, and I have slowly made some progress to get better in many ways, focusing on overall health and happiness AND to take certain specific steps to heal diabetes.

I have personally met the doctor featured in Simply Raw, and he became my doctor for a short while.  He cured his own diabetes and became a naturopath to help others do the same.  But, I didn’t heal back then.  I still wasn’t ready.  So, I kept on the path, sometimes focused and sometimes not.

And here I am now, starting to get more answers to my puzzle–it’s not really a puzzle  any longer.  It’s just a path.  LOA teaches to think of the body as healed and to be thankful for that healing.  I practice this idea often, and use visualization to ponder what it feels like to be cured.

And today, I was so fortunate, I actually spoke with Dr. Robert Young, who wrote The PH Miracle for Diabetics.  He said that diabetes is really not a blood sugar problem, but a problem with salt, that the salt is necessary for so many bodily functions.  He said low blood sugar means low energy because there isn’t enough salt to get energy to the cells.

So, if you are apt to buy his book and read up on living healthfully with diabetes, I do encourage you to do so as well.  It’s definitely something that most doctors “think” they understand, but don’t really know at all.  I am on this path and will stay on it until I at least said, “I tried”, and I keep seeing myself as the healthy person I know I am, full of energy, full of life, full of vibrance, able to have fun and feel easy in my body.  I feel free and easy.  I radiate happy and healthy energy to others.

If you would like to join my Diabetes into Wellness Facebook group, you can learn all about how to use LOA and heal diabetes there.  The focus is type 1 or type 2, but anyone with gestational diabetes or type 1.5 is welcome to join in.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

Using LOA for weaning toddlers

Explicit language and ideas.  Don’t read if you can’t handle.  My littlest is weaning and is very close to actually stopping her nursing at bedtime.  Any attachment parent knows that this can be a lovely transition into her “big girl” status, and some folks like me know that this is LOA all the way.

Some parents choose to end their nursing when they want (which can be good for some) but my belief is that making a child unhappy (when nursing/feeding this way is what they were meant to do) in order to make the adult happy can lead to quite a few problems in the child.  More

LOA and Sleep Problems with children

LOA and Sleep; no matter what you believe, it’s good to evaluate (in a fun way) where you can make some changes so that you can get a good night.

I became a very light sleeper as soon as my first daughter was born (14 years ago) because my mothering instinct just kept me awake.  I blamed the hormones.

Then, I had two more girls, my middle one with moderate sleep apnea, and my youngest needing less sleep than the others, even at 3.  I was desperate at some point, and my husband was also losing a lot of sleep and wasn’t his best at work.  Attitudes were cranky and we were using way too much caffeine.  Even so, everybody’s sleep patterns were changing (and still are) and so I had to realize that it’s better to let go of the outcome and make this not so important.  That I didn’t want to desperately “need” sleep.  And, worse, I didn’t want to try to control every little thing in my environment or what my kids were doing.

I wanted to use the law of attraction to change our sleep patterns and I did successfully.  I got used to the idea that it’s all temporary, it’s all changing–gradually each day–and that I can guide my mindset where I wanted to.

I started telling myself that I just want to feel good (classic LOA  and Abraham-Hicks) and started thinking about what that looked like.  To me, it looked like happy kids playing, laughing, and having fun doing all they love throughout the day, and cooperating and being harmonious.  To me, it looked like me having energy and joy when speaking with my children and me also having fun with them, being a great teacher.

(The trick here is thinking more about being happy and the good things in life that I do really want, and leaving sleep out of the equation, more than focusing on the lack of sleep and all of the potential problems concerning sleep that I could have spend many minutes or even hours complaining or explaining to others about).

In the beginning, try to realize that the Universe/Source IS supporting you, but has been giving you what you have been stating is your reality.  Only YOU can change that.  As you wake up at times you wouldn’t want to be awake or put a child back to bed, reassure yourself that you can be fully present for this moment and make good decisions, even if it’s just to be a happy enough parent to soothe your child, read a story, or just tell a story one more time.

And, don’t forget being thankful for the sleep that you do have, but leave it at that.  Don’t focus too much on sleep if you are not getting enough.  Focus on something else, how stillness and quiet feels in the night.  How a warm, sleeping body sounds next to you in bed.  What your beautiful children smell like, and how adorable they look as they drift off to sleep.  How safe and happy and securing it is to put little ones to bed and have some time to yourself.  How nice it is to wake up refreshed and feeling great.  Feeling free is also a good emotion to enjoy, even in your mind, because it helps you to have ore time freedom for yourself.  And, be thankful about how all of the answers you are seeking are open to you right now.

So, to recap,

  • Make sleep not so important and focused on–Instead think of the other things you are wanting and are happy about.  Just realizing that focusing on Lack of Sleep is the opposite of what you want might be enough to prompt a change within you.
  • Realize that gradual changes can turn into the lasting changes you want.
  • Visualize what you want (sound sleep even if only for a few hours), and literally ignore all you can about what you don’t want (because sleep is a loaded issue, you want to not talk/complain about it).
  • Make the best of every situation when you have to “be” awake–alone or with the kids.  Show the kids a the happiest parent you can be.
  • Be thankful for all the good, all the time, all the freedom, and all the blessings you do have.  What you focus on expands, this is the law of attraction.
  • Because everything is temporary anyhow, remember that everything is working out for you.

And if you are curious as to how my kids sleep patterns worked out, my oldest started staying up until 11 pm when she was in 6th grade, and it’s something I’m not worried about and have “let it go”.  My middle gets up to use the bathroom and goes right back to bed, usually with someone else, but she does fall asleep easily now.  She still wakes up at 4 am but does go back to sleep after that.  My little one just needs less than everybody else, so I don’t fight these things.  Overall, we have the sleep we need.  I am so thankful that this is where we are at!

You can do this as well, get clear about the good things you do want, and ignore as much as you can about what you don’t want.  You’ll get there!  It might take months and some nightly massages (those helped us a lot) or some other good inspiration will come to you, like speaking of peaceful things at bedtime or being thankful as you are all in bed.  Something will come and you will know what to do.  Just be open to what that is, and don’t worry about How the Universe can give you what you want.

Much love and may blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

My New Inspirational Projects

I love living through my heart, and have been inspired to start some new projects. Right now, I live as a homeschooling mom (previously a teacher and guidance counselor) and I get to do what I want on my terms, as a Law of Attraction Life Coach and teaching Reiki to children.

I am truly fortunate in every way.  I have love and peace overflowing from me in my own good feelings that it is spilling over.

These are the new inspirational projects I’ve taken on lately:

I like empowering women, so I started a Women’s Sacred Circle group that meets monthly at The Center for Conscious Caregiving.  Generating good feelings is the norm, and we are open to new members joining now.  If you are in NJ, you can join in by visiting my Law of Attraction and More Life Coaching FB page and signing up.

There are two non profits working to help the homeless in our area that I care about.  We have 14,000 homeless in NJ and people have taken to hiding in the woods, so these two groups are helping them stay safe.

If you are familiar with Tent City in Lakewood, the Minister helping them is Steve Brigham and he has started Destiny’s Bridge.  Their next fundraiser is Sat. Dec. 5th, a fine gift auction.

And, Land for the Homeless is expanding!!  They have two sites now, one still in planning and another in Atlantic City.

Pairing my love to just “be” of service, by helping locally, I have really grown in my own personal development, intuition expansion, and of course, in love.  BUT, because of my new understandings, I want to continue to be generous in giving…I started two new blogs, one about tithing and one about matching the homeless to local people who want to donate.  More on that in coming weeks and thanks in advance for your support on that.

Another amazing thing, is I notice that when I am loving, more stuff lands in my lap, but I also do have the resources to help out.  A man running an orphanage with 28 children in Uganda found me, and I am helping him set up a campaign to get a well, and some farm animals, and am mailing them seeds, clothing, and Bibles.

And seeing how our homeschooling communities can help with any of this will be a wonderful way to spend our days, with true kindness in our lives, that is everlasting.

I am glad for my place in this world, because my life is really good. Much love and many blessings to you as you take a moment to create some loving memories for the people you love but don’t even know…be inspired to step out and do something you weren’t planning to do, something no one else could do or would do…someone WILL notice, and someone WILL be  grateful for every little thing.  Especially when you do something that the person cannot repay.  That is the “spirit” of this holiday season.

Love from Jen C, the LOA Life Coach