Having Great Flow

Right now, I’m talking about momentum of good stuff happening.  Flow.  Movement.  Coming from a place of Alignment.  Feeling even a little bit of joy (it doesn’t have to be a lot), knowing that you are creating it as you go.  Nothing happens overnight, it’s far more gradual than that.  A good mood just building over time into something way more than just a good mood…

Waking up happy is nice.  If you haven’t felt like you can be like that, you are missing out!  Life wasn’t meant to be a struggle, so if you want to improve your life, what is it you are looking at ABOUT your life?  Is it some area you want to be different?  Are you upset or sad that you haven’t achieved something important to you yet?

Distinguished Conscious Creators know how to keep a balance between reality–what is–and what they would like to be in the near future.

Default Creators just keep looking at what is…and it stays the same.

The difference is that the Conscious Creators don’t get stuck in reality, they don’t accept it fully because they know it’s always shifting.  And they shift with reality.

When default creators see boring, conscious creators see new fun coming and let’s play with this and see what happens.

When default creators see not enough money, conscious creators feel money coming from being in a good mood.

When default creators curse disease, conscious creators say, “thank you for my healing.”

The Conscious Creators know how to keep their mood stable, no matter what comes their way, and that is the difference we all long for.  Having a stable mood is the key to happiness.  I’m not saying that we all don’t experience most emotions, it’s just that good flow happens from cultivating the source of happiness from within (not from others), so every little thing doesn’t throw them off.

Conscious Creators guide their own mood,  and when something does come up, they regain their control faster than most people would. Makes sense, right?

Good flow is natural, yet many long for this state of being in the zone.  Life is full of abundance, synchronicities, and fun.  It’s a normal and natural state.  If you would love to experience more of that, contact me for info about how to use your own Intuition to get you where you want to go.

Lotsa Love from Jen C. the LOA Life Coach



Focus Wheel and Focus are Key for Success

I was blown away by this Focus Wheel video from Abraham-Hicks, and focus is truly the key for LOA success.  This process is very effective to move you into better feeling thoughts, and make you feel more certain and sure about where you are going.  (The example here is someone asking about Real Estate success, but really does apply to anyone).

If you would like to see/hear/feel how the Focus Wheel process works, this is the perfect way to find out.  The wheel has a statement that you begin with and then you proceed to add some similar feeling statements, that you keep general enough in the earlier stages, and you get more specific as you gain in positive momentum/clarity/strength/belief.

click me

Enjoy, and all the best!  Much love and blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

Join me at the Good Vibe University for lots of fun, LOA tips, and joyful feelings.

Feeling Alignment Getting in the Gap Getting Happy

Image result for happiness quotes

Don’t you just love the feeling of alignment, AKA Getting in the Gap, or just Getting Happy?

Most people don’t need to waste their money with therapy, groups, friends, family and many pointless conversations complaining to anyone who will listen!  For most, the answer to prayers truly comes just from focusing on solutions and feeling relief or feeling hopeful about the future.

With focus, feeling alignment becomes easy!  Finding something joyful about right now, being it, just because you are or love who you are, because you are enjoying some part of your experience is what life is all about.  Right now, I am in alignment because I choose to be; I am a conscious creator or a deliberate creator…and therefore, good things like my kids being nice, lots of fun experiences, and having enough of everything just comes naturally as a result of that alignment.

Getting Happy is really the plan for a good life!  What Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about when he was discussing “getting in the gap” was getting from where you are now to where you want to be…part of it is being happy NOW, and not waiting for the happiness to happen when you get there.  Esther Hicks, through Abraham, also teaches about how people should get happy now.

BUT HOW?  Small steps make a big difference!

How does anyone feel alignment when they are sick or have money problems, or they have a lot of drama?

First, anyone can start doing a Book of Positive Aspects, used in Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, where you get a notebook, and write only positive things about any topic–because you just want alignment, because it will make you feel good doing this, or because you want to improve your vibe about a topic (you wish to write about an easy topic that seems fun right now).

Second, begin to ignore as much as you can that isn’t pleasing to you.  Literally, I mean.  Care for yourself in whatever way you need to, but beyond that, ignore anything you don’t like.  It will create a peace in your mind, because complaining is a luxury in most instances.  We really should be praising far more than complaining anyhow–it feels far better and will actually bring us alignment, whereas complaining creates a downward cycle that keeps us down.

Start to think about what is fun instead!  Almost everyone I know says they love nature or like to take a walk, and these things are free.  Not everything costs money if money is tight, and there are lots of activities you would do just because you like them (read, watch or go to a great program, painting, coloring, listening to music, being with a pet, yoga, exercise, meditation, sports with friends, starting a group for DIY topics).  Use your imagination–that is what it is for.  When you put yourself into a positive vibe on purpose, methodically, every day, your life will completely turn around.

So, use the Book of Positive Aspects, ignore problems, praise more, and do fun things!!  Try this and see what turns around for you, and be sure to let us know here when you do!  Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life coach.