Feeling Satisfied when you aren’t

Hey, Abrahamsters, Do you often struggle with the idea that you should feel good or feel satisfied but then realize you don’t have anything to be happy about?

Some people ask me if they should try to be happy when they aren’t, and the answer is YES.  There is always something to be happy or joyous about, even if you can’t find something in your own life.  If you really think life sucks, then the sun will still rise.  If you feel uncomfortable in your body, there will still be trees and flowers (and they never ask if they are good enough, they just are).  If you think you are broke, well maybe love is making the world go round.  If you are too confused to see/think/feel clearly, just try to relax and get more neutral for a while.

Being detached is a nice feeling.  Not trying too hard, or pushing against, or fixing anybody or anything.

Removing yourself for a while, so that you can get clearer.  Clarity is the best feeling, because it leads to so many good feelings…

So, yes, relax, get neutral, and eventually, gradually, begin building this idea that the Universe is providing for you, giving and gifting TO you, and that you have an abundance not just of things, but also good feelings.

Every good feeling is a manifestation worth noticing!

And when you do, that is the feeling of happy, pleased, satisfied…

Take notice of these little things, feeling moments of joy, seeing the beauty in someone else’s creations (art, jewelry, a nice home, landscaping, clothing, interactions, etc…). Doesn’t even need to be yours.  You can just enjoy what you are seeing.  What you notice is a reflection of you and your current vibe.

And so is your satisfaction level.

So you aren’t satisfied, and you bridge the gap for a while until you are more satisfied.  Then you do it some more, and eventually you realize you are mostly satisfied.  This is the road to happiness.

If you want more good, you have to find the good where ever you are!

What’s good right now?  What are you able to do?  How are you able to move your body?  Do you have friends and family?  Are your loved ones kind and generous, and are you?  Do you  have a nice place to live?  Work that pays well enough to pay your bills?  Or at least some of them?

When you start noticing what is going right, more things going right are sure to land right at your door.  and then, you will really say, “Wow, I’m so satisfied about this!”

The feeling of satisfaction brings more satisfaction.  Now, get out there and create some satisfying feelings for yourself!!  WOOHOO for you.

Lotsa love and satisfaction from Jen C., the Law of Attraction Life Coach, 848-232-8392 for consults/info.

And here’s some cool tunes from my old friend who is winning music awards in NJ for her amazing music that combines country, folk sounds with a strong spiritual side.