Best LOA Programs

I am a huge fan of the best LOA Programs, because I have taken so many of them and benefited so much. Learning self love, abundance, and spirituality is essential to a life filled with happiness.

Here are some of the best LOA programs that I believe will benefit you as well, I hope you will find resonance with many of them. Life is like a smorgasbord, take what you like and leave the rest.  I am working on some of my own LOA programs, like ebooks, and will be offering them soon.


Rikka Zimmerman Money Mastery Quiz and Course, Rikka discusses the abundance blocks that may be stopping you from achieving the wealth you’d like, and gives you exercises to raise your frequency around money.  Rikka’s laugh may make you run away, but I really like her overall personality and her genuineness, speaking from the heart (which is where abundance lies).

Joe Vitale Wealth 360, You can learn how Joe came from homelessness to learn the frequency of abundance.  Joe has many powerful programs, but this one is essential, and it’s easy to just “copy” the formula that he gives for everything and practice it for yourself.


Rikka Zimmerman Adventure In Oneness Course.  There are a lot of spiritual teachers, but Rikka is a real person, who shows her giddy and silly self, and her information is presented as if you are her very best friend.  You will find tremendous value in that gift of her openly loving you, and it shows you how to do it for yourself.

LOA Basics:

Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey–The 11 Forgotten Laws of the Universe.  I LOVE this course!  Although the Law of Attraction is the most important law of the universe, these other laws must be in the forefront of your mind to manifest what you want.  Bob Proctor has been studying the LOA for over 50 years and is the oldest person teaching about it; I have complete trust in him.

Hayhouse Publishing for both Abraham-Hicks and Dr. Wayne Dyer and the many other authors there.  And YouTube has unlimited free videos on any important topic from any of these speakers/teachers.

A great resource for used books is, where you can search ALL bookseller sites for best rates.

Other teachers/speakers I really enjoy are Jack Canfield, Bob Doyle, Lisa Nichols, Marci Shimoff, and there are so many more.


Everyone has an amazing story to tell, a topic that they MUST write about or help people with, and many people are creating their dreams BY writing doing part time work.  For me, starting a website was a big part of building one of my dreams.

SBI or Site Build It!  My own personal opinion that this company has it all for building a website because almost everything you need is included for an oh-so-low yearly or monthly fee. Once you easily learn to DIY, you will never want to pay someone else to design a site for you.  You gain the power and potential to create a site and a dream, set them on auto, and go have fun!

These are my personal favorites, although there are many more.  I do sometimes get commissions if you make a purchase through my links, so thank you very much for investing in yourself today and trusting me to give you some uplifting and empowering information.  I thoroughly plan any link so that you will only receive top quality LOA info, and I do believe all of the programs I link to have guarantees of some sort.