Health in the New Year 2020

I’m wishing you Health in the New Year in 2020.

Some of you are wondering what kind of coaching I offer, like Keto, sports, Atkins, vegan, vegetarian, Paleo, etc…and I just have to say that I am happy to help you get intuitive about your goals, regardless of your chosen diet.

However, my specialty IS Detoxing for Health using fruit, veggies, and herbs that cleanse the body.  Putting the right foods in essential for cleansing.  The body literally cannot work as well if you continually put inflammatory foods into it.  HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT FOODS ARE INFLAMMATORY TO YOU?

If you have any unresolved symptoms of any diseases, inflammation, any ITISes (bursitis, arthritis, etc…), pain, or get sick often–then you are a perfect candidate for a good cleanse.  It is likely that it truly IS THE FOODS you’ve been choosing that are causing your inflammation or problems and chronic conditions.

Meats and dairy (proteins and fats) and sugary carbohydrates are super inflammatory.

The body is actually very simple.  It needs healthy PLANTS to run on.  There’s plenty of fructose and glucose in the plants.  You don’t need tons of extra protein or fat because fad diets say so.  You need fruits and vegetables.  Our bodies are complex machines yet doctors understand very little about them.  Fruits and veggies clean us out and put our bodies INTO an awesome and healthy DETOX MODE.  So think of it like a math problem, if I do x, then y occurs.  If I don’t do x then y never occurs.

Detox is like this.

Most people are skeptical when I tell them how good fruit is for cleaning out the body.  I tell them I’m a type 1 diabetic since I was a teenager, who eats mostly fruit, therefore I take very little insulin compared to others who just eat tons of carbs, fats, and proteins, and take ten times what I take.  I’ve cleared out countless problems in my own body, which is why I know how well, how fast, and how good this type of detox is.

I’m eager to assist anyone who wants to know how to use the fruits and veggies for their own personal detox.  My phone coaching sessions are easy and convenient, and I’m extending the BOGO for the New Year for a few more days, until January 4th, 2020.

Extremely reasonable prices, meant to allow you to begin with ease, (because of course we’re using the Law of Attraction as well), $300 BOGO for TWO people.  Normally, it’s $300 for one month of coaching.  So, you can share health with someone else or keep both for yourself.  Since detoxing takes some time–sometimes longer for others, we taper it off.  You decide on how much support you need with me, and you decide HOW you detox yourself because the pace is important so you continue to work, play, live.

Are you ready for a fantastic 2020?  Let’s go!!

Lotsa love and many blessings, Jen at

Call or text for appointment times.  Whether you want Law of Attraction support or Detox support, I’ve got you covered.  848-232-8392 EST.

Wishing you Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Holiday times are here, and of course, I’m understanding the LOA to do my best to bring myself some Health, Wealth, and Happiness.  Feeling good, being in appreciation, loving all I can.  Also choosing certain foods over others.  Certain foods bring a more alkaline environment into our bodies.  Then, our bodies feel better.  We’re in a better mood.  So then we also make better choices for the next meal.  And the cycle goes on.

I’m also wishing this for you.  I know the Universe is nothing BUT wellness.  Just a vortex circulating all our wishes, our personal note to Santa (or whatever cool fairy tale you believe in), and some cool stuff keeps on trickling in at whatever rate we allow it.

I’m in this place of knowing that it’s just FAR EASIER to be happy and wealthy if first we are HEALTHY–if we are sick, then we are constantly reminded of the injury (pain), discomfort, inflammation, etc…and it’s hard to think differently.  Yet the LOA says we must.  First, let’s remove as much inflammation as possible by eating better.  Next, if we’ve manifested some “diagnosis”, let’s act swiftly to feel better.

So this year, I’m offering a BOGO for my Detox Coaching package, from now until December 31st, 2019, my offer is $300 for 150 minutes of coaching.  You get 300 minutes of coaching for this BOGO.  Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and Happy everything Health.  Buy as many as you like and use them all year.

THAT is a lot of good health in the making.

If you’ve been thinking about creating a life and body that you LIKE being in, get in touch.  There is nothing worse than letting your own health slip away as you make excuses for not eating better.  Visit my other blog at Detox With Jen for details on my programs, why I use fruits and herbs mostly, and various health practices.

Thanks so much!

Much love and many blessings,

Jen C., the LOA Life Coach (and Detox Specialist)

LOA for Health

Hi LOA friends,

I’ve been working on my own health and wellbeing, so much so that I was trained to Detox.  Meaning, I’m using alkaline foods such as fruits, veggies, and herbs to get better health.  But, it’s funny because it’s obvious to me that these alkaline foods are what Source created for our species to eat, yet, people wish to say they are omnivores and can eat whatever they want.  The truth is…we know a rich diet is causing us to get diseases.  So, how can we and how far we go into a real detox is super important information.  It’s all part of our thinking about health and disease also.

If you believe that the food you eat is making you sick, then you do need to change the food!!!

If you don’t know why you’re sick, you do need to change your food!

So many people I meet deal with digestive symptoms for EVERY SINGLE MEAL they eat.  Like they literally have problems digesting everything.  WHY is that?

Because we’re eating for emotional reasons, we’re upset because of a diagnosis, we have family histories of problems, we’re making poor food choices, there are toxins in the environment.  YES.  YES.  Yes.  Yes.  Yes.

What do you DO if you are ridden with such problems?  First of all, don’t plan out every meal you’re going to eat.  Just think about the next meal.  Think simple, like eating an apple or making a smoothie with fruit and fruit juices.  Easy to digest meals.  When you eat and then feel good about making the meal, eating the meal, and digesting/after the meal, you’re going to feel better emotionally AND physically.  When you feel better, you’ll be led to new information that you maybe didn’t notice before because you were so busy paying attention to things that were going wrong.

That is just how the LOA works.  When some topic is bothersome, you ignore it or you distract yourself.  Think about something OTHER than your health and for God’s sake don’t be that person that needs to talk about their health problems all the time.

If you’re a person that has experience with juicing and fasting, then I’m an ISOD specialist and can help with that.  If you know nothing about juicing and fasting, that’s ok also!  You can visit me at for the information about Detoxing programs.

Gradual changes are usually best, but sometimes you can’t because the health can be worse without a drastic change.  Whichever the case, is my new site related to cleansing the body.  The cool part is that when you want health information from me, at least you know it’s Law of Attraction type stuff to go along with it.

See you soon!  Much love and many blessings!

Jen C. the LOA Life Coach

848-232-8392 Call/text for appointments

Shadow Work or LOA

Did you ever wonder how effective Shadow Work by Carl Jung is?  When I was in college, I learned about Carl Jung and felt a strange belief, an alignment with him and what he delved into.

However, I always had issues with psychology in general because it was fixated on finding something wrong with people!  So, I found issues with all of psychology, and thought there was more to it, that people were far more than one little part of their lives, or any observable behavior.

Shadow work involves looking at fears, the parts of you that you didn’t or weren’t able to observe, to shed light on them and to actually gain strength and understanding.

Yet, my experience was the opposite!  Every time I looked hard at what I feared, I created more of that!  So the Law of Attraction is always at work…

The Law of Attraction says that whatever you focus on you create, and it’s true no matter how good the intention is.  If the focus is fear, weakness, and problems, guess what I was creating more of?

(See the rest of this blog and my newer one at for more info on using your own intuition about what to do.)

I’ve met a lot of people through my work as a teacher, guidance counselor, and LOA Life Coach that really think they have to “work through” and struggle with their past in order to figure it out.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Sometimes we just can’t see or believe for a while, even if someone is pointing it out.  We like to stay and complain for a while, often for decades about the same problem, rather than truly shining the light on it or ourselves.  Shining the light feels like forgiveness and freedom, it feels like choice, it feels like movement into something new.  That is why I love Abraham, to always guide me towards what is good for me.

BUT I can only reach so far with LOA, so the changes need to be gradual.

I finally heard an Abraham-Hicks video on this exact topic, but have known that we can’t feel good looking at our problems!  I’ve always felt more comfortable looking at what is right, at our strengths, at our gifts.  I hope you enjoy this LOA gem, and remember to keep moving forward in positive momentum toward your joys.  Stay in the light, don’t keep looking at the dark!

I became a life coach because I believe in the goodness of people, that they deserve to feel great.  If you are ready to focus yourself into your greatness, text or call me for a free 15 minute consult at 848-232-8392.

Stop Jumping Around with Law of Attraction Energy Practices

You know those people.

They complain that nothing is working.  They’ve tried “everything”.  Yet, still…no results.  I have news for you.  They aren’t really practicing then.

You see, nobody needs a toolbox with thousands of tools, or needs to read every book by every expert.  Yet, so many jump from person to person’s wealth of “knowledge” just to see what they know.  But then–they don’t dedicate much time to an actual PRACTICE, so they still don’t get very far with any one thing.

Nothing improves for this person, their life sucks, they say, or that they have major problems in every area, career, family, money, and health.

You find yourself giving them your words of wisdom about being positive, but you really know that IF they were practicing any one energy practice, they would see gradual results.  But you are a good friend so maybe you won’t say a thing (because you’ll just LOA ignore them)…

IF you happen to be the jumper, that’s ok…take a deep breath and just release that need to learn more and practice later.  Just get comfortable practicing now.  Whatever you want, practice now.

If you are feeling lonely and isolated, go out and practice being with others.  Give someone the gift of YOU, and others will see you and welcome you. (Go into it with frustration and anger and others will not want you there).

If you are unhappy with yourself in some way, release the need to be perfect and embrace that you are in exactly the right spot that is needed for the changes you want.  And now the changes can come.  There is something to be happy about right now, that the sun was there to light our planet (even if you didn’t find anything personal…look around at the systems put in place that our human laws can’t explain).

If you are disappointed you haven’t reached your goal yet, meditate and get quiet.  Feel that you are moving in the right direction now.  Source always has a way to bring your favorite people, things, and fun to you, but only if you get into receiving mode.  Yes, it can happen, and yes, it can be easy.  Even your whole life can be easy.  If you can practice ease now.

Stop jumping from program to program and stick with things that work, such as:

  1. Meditation
  2. Journaling
  3. Being Present

There are lots of law of attraction books and teachers and systems and you may have tried a few or many.  Think about what works, and it’s usually something simple and easy.  So that is what I like to promote, that you have this innate ability to get back to that simple and easy approach and make it yours.  You are completely intuitive and meant to use it!!

You are a goldmine of good qualities, and these qualities can come out when you are free from interference of the mind.  These three items, meditation, journaling, and being present all have the idea of being present and being comfortable with yourself.

I’m sure I’ll post later about how to be more comfortable with yourself, but if you have a suggestion for a specific post, please leave me a comment about what you’d like me to write about, and I’ll be happy to oblige!

For now, please get in touch for your free LOA Consult, just call or text me at 848-232-8392 so we can set up a time, and I can help you set up a specific plan that is just as simple and easy.  And phone consults make your life so much easier.

Lotsa love from Jen C. the LOA Life Coach







Money and Abundance

Here’s a nice short clip from Abraham-Hicks about Money and Abundance and how they are related.  Get this:  money comes from overall ALIGNMENT, that is all it is.  And, I’ve often heard it said that money is a way to say, “Thank you,” for what you receive.

You want and need money, but are you Aligned often?  Once in a while?  Frequently?

Get clear for yourself about what values you hold, and be honest about if you are following those values.  If you are not, you feel negative emotions, and this is what blocks good things from flowing into your lives.  If you feel great, then there is likely money flowing already.

If you want to understand this relationship about Alignment and Money, just try to be generally happier each day…at some point soon you will realize that more money is flowing to you.  Let me know when you see the change!  Much love and many blessings, from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach


Have you thanked your Angels

family sunset photo

I have been meditating lately on this topic, Have you thanked your Angels?  And I am very engrossed with this idea that the Angels are everywhere and in everything, just like Spirit.

So, how could any of us have done anything without them?  We give ourselves all the credit when something goes right, but blame others when something goes wrong.  But the truth is, as soon as we ask, it is given–it is only ourselves who block the delivery of our desires.

Even still, it’s other beings who know what we desire and are orchestrating them FOR us, on our behalf.  We all also have a Higher Self, and maybe these two are truly the same, I don’t really know!

One thing I do know for sure is that without others, I would have nothing.  Everything we have comes through someone else, and has been given to us through an invisible network of beings and God.  I realized I haven’t been thanking Universe enough for all the good I do have, and the Angels working on my behalf IS Good that I do have!

For this holiday season, and maybe into January and February, I think it’s worth it to ponder what these Angels do just because we ask for something.  No one is asking me to prove I am good enough, or to show my worth.  Everything is just given to me.  Because I am.

I hope you can wake up feeling great every day, realize how amazing you truly are, and do something nice for someone else, knowing that you are someone else’s Angel as well.  Make sure you thank your Angels today, you won’t be sorry!

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., The LOA Life Coach

Intention to Feel Good


woman playing guitar photo

It’s surprising that so many of us new age thinkers forget to set the intention to feel good each day!

I homeschool my two young girls, and didn’t get to sleep until 3 am, so maybe I slept until 7.  I am alert and feeling alright though.  I “need” to be alive and fun and peaceful, not cranky and needy myself, if I am going to be a good parent and a great teacher.

How?  I set the intention to feel great through the day.  That means regardless of what I put in my body or what conditions show up that I may not like.

I was reading the workbook to the Conversations With God series, and it definitely hit me, to choose an intention for each day of the week (seven, one for each day) was such an uplifting idea…a way to incorporate the feelings I want seamlessly.

I choose:

  • Monday-Joy,
  • Tuesday-Compassion,
  • Wednesday-Happiness,
  • Thursday-Unconditional Love,
  • Friday–Unconditional Clarity,
  • Saturday–Peace,
  • Sunday-Organization.

Just a nice way to “remember” who I really Am.  Who do you want to be today?  Who do you want to be next year?  You don’t have to wait, you can feel those feelings now!

Go enjoy your day and your life, have some humor.  Know that you are so loved, and so adored by your true Parent, God.  All opinions of others don’t matter at all.  Only your own connection to your true self, which IS GOD.

I don’t always get perfect sleep, I just keep on intending what I want, and all things good keep coming, like better relationships.  If you are thinking you want to change your life, practice some LOA tips here and you are also well on your way to becoming wealthy.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

Get more info about my other sites:




Using LOA for weaning toddlers

Explicit language and ideas.  Don’t read if you can’t handle.  My littlest is weaning and is very close to actually stopping her nursing at bedtime.  Any attachment parent knows that this can be a lovely transition into her “big girl” status, and some folks like me know that this is LOA all the way.

Some parents choose to end their nursing when they want (which can be good for some) but my belief is that making a child unhappy (when nursing/feeding this way is what they were meant to do) in order to make the adult happy can lead to quite a few problems in the child.  More

It’s never too late

Just a little daily inspiration or personal development is all you need, and here Kyle Cease does an excellent job of explaining how we need to look within for whatever we want in life–it all comes from within.

All the good comes to us, because we have a foundation for it established within.  Change your paradigm every day, look within every day, you will be so happy and thankful that you did.  It is never too late to put your feet in the grass, walk in the sand, smell the forest, and play with children, make love to someone special, share your stories, help someone else…these are the things that matter most!  Always look for and be open to your ultimate purpose.

Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach

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