What We Are Able to Perceive

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What we are able to perceive is a reflection of the state of mind and heart we are in.  Did you ever notice that when you are in a bad mood, more bad things keep happening?  Or if you are in a good mood, there is no end to the fun you have?

The reason is that we are only able to perceive within whatever vibration we are in.

  • If we are vibing “no money” we keep seeing no money in the situations we encounter and in our bank accounts.
  • If we are vibing “bad relationships” many things can go wrong within a few different relationships, even ones we enjoy.
  • If we are vibing “sickness”, we get more sickness!

The way to get out of this cycle, is to intend to feel good before you even get out of bed.  Intend to feel what God wants us to feel, which is good, relief, joy, happiness, and comfort.  Of course, there are many more higher energy vibes you could begin with, but I think this is a great starting point.  Where ever you are at, you can make the decision to just start being happy for no reason, and watch the LOA do it’s job.  Life gets easier and easier when you are being a Deliberate Creator, enjoying the process of vibing what you want, rather than waiting for the other shoe to drop all the time.

So, we are only able to perceive certain things, and the emotions and powers we want to have or be, sometimes seem invisible to us…and that is actually true.  With so many realities to choose from, we literally could be anything we want.  We get to choose, we get to pick that vibe.  Pay attention–wake up!  See what you are really vibing today, and see what it makes you wish to intend for tomorrow as you are laying in bed.

Intend to feel good, and pick one of the categories above to plan out better feelings for–Money, Relationships, or Health, and see where you are after doing it for 30 days.  Your gradual change will almost guarantee your success, so you can look at your life and actually feel great looking at it, as is, rather than how you would like it to be.  BUT, until then, use your imagination to get where you want to go, stay happy along the way, and you will get there!  Your better overall mood will bring you better results in your whole life, so all three topics could be affected at the same time.

Put your best vibe out there!  Your Highest Self feels the best emotions for you, and you can also.  If you don’t like your results, start vibing something more…expand yourself so that you can BE more.  Your perceptions will change over time.

Much love, and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life Coach.