General LOA Affirmations for Ease and Clarity

I love to play around with intentions, and often find myself practicing 30 days of a particular vibration until I am that new vibe.  So, here are some general LOA affirmations for Ease and Clarity, that I am sure Abraham and Esther Hicks probably has extensive info on as well.  I always begin by closing my eyes, relaxing my entire body from head to toe, and then relaxing my mind.  When I am in this alpha state of mind, I speak my truths and reprogram my heart and mind to tune into my new desires and intentions.  I remember that if I have asked, it is given, and so I believe it as a done deal.  The Manager/LOA will take care of my every wish, like the Genie in the lamp.

This is a Rampage of Appreciation or Rampage of Ease and Clarity. If you are new to Law of Attraction, or an old timer, I would definitely try 30 days of this new vibe and see how far you can go with it, changing the words to suit yourself, of course.  This original rampage would take you far beyond the 68 seconds of momentum that would guarantee the better feelings you are wanting, so enjoy. More

Feeling Alignment Getting in the Gap Getting Happy

Image result for happiness quotes

Don’t you just love the feeling of alignment, AKA Getting in the Gap, or just Getting Happy?

Most people don’t need to waste their money with therapy, groups, friends, family and many pointless conversations complaining to anyone who will listen!  For most, the answer to prayers truly comes just from focusing on solutions and feeling relief or feeling hopeful about the future.

With focus, feeling alignment becomes easy!  Finding something joyful about right now, being it, just because you are or love who you are, because you are enjoying some part of your experience is what life is all about.  Right now, I am in alignment because I choose to be; I am a conscious creator or a deliberate creator…and therefore, good things like my kids being nice, lots of fun experiences, and having enough of everything just comes naturally as a result of that alignment.

Getting Happy is really the plan for a good life!  What Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about when he was discussing “getting in the gap” was getting from where you are now to where you want to be…part of it is being happy NOW, and not waiting for the happiness to happen when you get there.  Esther Hicks, through Abraham, also teaches about how people should get happy now.

BUT HOW?  Small steps make a big difference!

How does anyone feel alignment when they are sick or have money problems, or they have a lot of drama?

First, anyone can start doing a Book of Positive Aspects, used in Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, where you get a notebook, and write only positive things about any topic–because you just want alignment, because it will make you feel good doing this, or because you want to improve your vibe about a topic (you wish to write about an easy topic that seems fun right now).

Second, begin to ignore as much as you can that isn’t pleasing to you.  Literally, I mean.  Care for yourself in whatever way you need to, but beyond that, ignore anything you don’t like.  It will create a peace in your mind, because complaining is a luxury in most instances.  We really should be praising far more than complaining anyhow–it feels far better and will actually bring us alignment, whereas complaining creates a downward cycle that keeps us down.

Start to think about what is fun instead!  Almost everyone I know says they love nature or like to take a walk, and these things are free.  Not everything costs money if money is tight, and there are lots of activities you would do just because you like them (read, watch or go to a great program, painting, coloring, listening to music, being with a pet, yoga, exercise, meditation, sports with friends, starting a group for DIY topics).  Use your imagination–that is what it is for.  When you put yourself into a positive vibe on purpose, methodically, every day, your life will completely turn around.

So, use the Book of Positive Aspects, ignore problems, praise more, and do fun things!!  Try this and see what turns around for you, and be sure to let us know here when you do!  Much love and many blessings from Jen C., the LOA Life coach.


Source is always looking through our eyes!  Listen to this great talk on how to switch from getting a manifestation to finding the feeling place OF the manifestation.  VERY important to FEEL your way to the emotional validation you are seeking!  I am having a very smooth, fun day with my kids, and I know it’s because I have focused in this way and can do it anytime.  Things keep lining up…like today, we took off to the beach, and literally dozens of ladybugs were landing on us, flying around us, flying by.

Letting go of conditions is an amazing feeling…unconditional clarity and alignment feels so nice, and I want you to have that as well.  Listen and learn!  It only takes a minute here and a minute there to feel your way to the alignment you want, then it gets easier, happens more frequently, and then keeps repeating the cycle.  Once you ar ein the cycle, “knowing” that all is well, then life gets really beautiful, because then everything you see is really beautiful, and you won’t find any fault with anyone or anything!  It is wonderful to live life without asking or demanding others to change–just letting them be themselves while you build your own personal power up.  That’s all.  Now, go do it!

Thanks to Dewdrop and Much love from Jen C., the LOA Coach

What Tears of Joy mean

So many times in my life I was thrilled to experience the “tears of joy” that we all get. Something joyful happens and we tear up…but why do we do that?

What tears of joy really mean (usually, and I say this from my life experience) is that we are having a wonderful moment of joy, but we know it’s bittersweet, fleeting, and temporary (like for a child’s graduation and lots of things with children)…and we wish to experience it longer, and therefore, we experience a mixed emotion of what is really joy AND anguish about the timing.  I find that this happens to me a LOT!  I feel sincerely moved by the every day living of being a mother and watching my children grow up, watching relationships change over “time”, and the uniqueness of each person I am honored to behold.

I thought this was just my humble opinion, but then I actually found an Abraham-Hicks video about tears of joy…and although she doesn’t say exactly what I just did, she clarifies some cool stuff.

She says that if we are crying for any reason, we are not in the vortex, and the reason we cry when something feels really good is because we aren’t used to feeling good for an extended period of time.  With practicing gradually changing our vibrations, we can change to experience and notice more good in our every day lives, and the moments that would give us tears will give us more pure joy instead, and we’ll get used to living from that purer state.  I suppose I should be asking to manifest overflowing good feelings, so that I can share them with others, rather than observe life.

I like how she talks about relief and clarity!

Much love from Jen C.

Finding the Feeling Place of Satisfaction and Relief

I’ve heard Esther Hicks say that the feeling of satisfaction is a lot like relief.  Feeling satisfied is so extremely important, it means we really like ourselves, and are happy in our current moment.  It means right now is good, and we aren’t looking ahead to the next moment or worrying about the past.  Satisfaction feels good.

What is the feeling place of satisfaction and relief for you?  Is it:

  • Doing well on a task and celebrating it?
  • Getting something done joyfully–like all your cleaning–and being satisfied with your work and your self?
  • Realizing that you handled a difficult situation well–with ease or patience or kindness?
  • Knowing that so many things are lining up for you–and you created them?
  • Believing in yourself and your own abilities?
  • Feeling like you are so good–just because you are, or because of your performance?
  • Just feeling good where you are at, right now?

If these are the kinds of things that make you feel satisfied, then you are well on your way to being more happy with yourself.  You must have a strong current of self talk that uplifts you, and having satisfaction is an easy way to keep in a higher vibration.  Enjoy who you are, reach for feelings of satisfaction and relief, and watch what happens!  Try to find the feeling place of satisfaction more often, ask for it, and you will be given it.

Much love!  See my monthly calendar here!