Attracting More Money using LOA Finding the Feeling Place

Money is a great topic within the Law of Attraction, and seems to be one of the catalysts to get people to try using LOA. Money is only an exchange, so it’s neutral, just like the beautiful beads or shells that were once used as money!  Here’s today’s Manifesting Tip about Money, so you can attract more money using LOA.

Finding the feeling place of money is the question.  You can’t make money, attract clients, win in the market, get a raise, win the lottery, or get freebies and discounts if you are always doubting whether money is flowing to you, or if you are focusing on your Lack of these things!

You have to feel like money, like money is easily flowing all the time, regardless of your job or life situation!  Don’t pray for more money, instead you must feel like you already have it.  Along with general happiness and having a lot of appreciation, this is the way to feel your way to the money you want.  Then, visualize all the fun you will have with the money:  buying new things like clothes, cars, better house, luxuries you want, saving, and donating.  Realize your spreading your abundance is actually helping all the people you paid along the way.  And when you want them to be as happy as you, you can really soar with this.  Visualize all of this in the NOW, because the Universe knows no difference between reality and imagination.  Eventually, your imagined dreams will become your reality.

Here’s an Abraham-Hicks video to show you how to rampage happily into a better feeling place about money.  I hope you love it as much as I do.

Much love and money!

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