How to do a Vision Board that works for 2015

I am so excited to post this guest blog article from Zehra Mahoon, a LOA coach in Canada.  I’ve learned so much from her ebook offered at the end. 🙂 I’ve been reading her blog for years, and I frequently use Zehra’s YouTube videos about Abraham.  Hope you’ll enjoy making your vision board for your best year yet!  It really works!

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How to do a Vision Board that works for 2015

What is a vision board?  To look at a vision board is a collage of pictures that represent things you want.  It’s a bunch of goals and dreams represented in a visual medium.

To make a vision board work we need to understand what it does for us.  Most people think that we do a vision board in order to put it out there – so that the Universe knows what we want and can bring it to us.  In reality, we don’t need pictures or any other tools to tell the Universe what our desires are, because the Universe is privy to each and every one of our thoughts.  The Universe knows in exact detail what we want and what desires we have been giving birth to since the day we were born.

The reason we do a vision board or a visualization is so that we can gaze on our desires with a feeling of joy. More