Fear Is Me Focused in Opposition to Who I Really Am

“Fear is me focused in opposition to who I really AM.”–  Abraham

I like not having much fear, only occasionally.  I like feeling good almost all of the time, and if I”m not, then I know to get connected to my Source and who I really am quickly.  So, today, I thought I’d bring some interesting thoughts on fear and resistance from my good friend, Abraham.  I really like being able to access this information so easily on Youtube or with Abraham-Hicks books.

If you study the LOA, you know that you are part of the Source energy that creates worlds, and that every thought is real. We are connected to our inner guidance system so that we can have access to our Source through our emotions.  Our emotions are the indicators about where we are at on any topic.  If you look at your self, love life, career, or family, you will bring up a variety of emotions.  Think about where you are now on each topic.

Is it all rosy and perfect, or do you have some unfulfilled desires?  If you do, you can use your emotions to guide you toward more good feelings.  Believe that “every day in every way, you are getting better and better.” as the Silva Method teaches.  Many spiritual teachers, like Louise Hay and Abraham say, “All is well.”  These general statements put us on a path of wellness, with little to no resistance.

Fear stops us from achieving so many dreams we desire.  Oftentimes, we feel like life has gotten hard, and that we are stuck in a situation, we must fulfill a duty, so many people are counting on us, or we just don’t like the lives we’re living and we’re not sure what step to take next.  Fear keeps us confused, and we stay on a perpetually obtuse path, and resenting it, being angry about it, we’re unclear about what we should do, and essentially, stay afraid to “move.”

We create a lot of resistance:  we tell ourselves we aren’t good enough, smart enough, rich enough, socially astute enough– to make something we truly desire–happen.  We complain, which creates more situations to complain about as the LOA brings more of the same back to us.  We think, “if only I had this”, or “if only I had done that.”

Here’s the antidote:  Playing the “Wouldn’t it be nice if” game.  I love using this game, especially when I’m fearful.  I say, Wouldn’t it be nice if…

  • I can move into a better feeling right now?
  • I can choose to feel better?
  • I look for things I want instead of focusing on small details about fears?
  • I focus on things that make me happy?  (And, there are so many things that do.)
  • I can sit quietly and listen to what my Inner Being really thinks of me?
  • My life is getting easier and easier?
  • I can feel the ease in my life?
  • I can feel the path opening up for me?

So, it’s basic and general, and it works to focus on better feelings.  The higher vibration feelings are love, appreciation, passion, empowerment, inspiration, creativity, knowing, belief, faith, hope, clarity, ease, wellbeing, and the like.

I wish these things for you, so that you can access these higher vibrations and lose the fear.

Much love!

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  1. holisticjen
    Jan 17, 2015 @ 15:49:17

    Reblogged this on Beyond Positive Affirmations and commented:

    Are fears holding you back?



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